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Handling the Israel-Palestine conflict

At many universities across Germany and internationally, the events in Israel and Gaza are continuing to preoccupy and mobilise students and employees, including at the University of Freiburg. In addition, some members of the University are themselves affected by the war in Gaza and Israel – whether through their background, family, friends or relationships with colleagues. The debates on the Israel-Palestine conflict are sometimes very controversial in public, in politics, in the media and also at universities. In view of this tense and, for many, emotionally charged situation, the University of Freiburg sees it as its task to contribute to a differentiated debate and understanding, to ensure a safe campus for all its members and to protect them from discrimination.

This Website brings together information, event formats and support services. We will be adding content on an ongoing basis.

Our identity as a university

The University of Freiburg is a place of fact-based dialogue, academic freedom, democratic values and humanity. We express our deepest sympathy to the civilian population in Israel and Gaza, who have become victims of war and violence through no fault of their own. Our special concern and solidarity go out to our University members of Israeli and Palestinian origin who are currently fearing or mourning the loss of family members, friends or colleagues. Last but not least, our thoughts are with the many researchers, teachers and students from Gaza and Israel who are being prevented from pursuing their mission: to develop and objectively share evidence-based knowledge, to acquire and pass on education.

We see ourselves as part of a global scientific community that is united by the conviction that its work can contribute to international understanding, scientific knowledge and reflection. It is an extremely valuable asset that we are able to fulfil these tasks on the basis of the German Basic Law, which guarantees us scientific freedom and the freedom of expression. We consider it our duty to strengthen and protect this space. Anti-Semitism, anti-Muslim sentiments and racism have no place at the University of Freiburg.

Guidelines for respectful dialogue

We all contribute to a constructive, fact-based dialogue that is characterised by mutual respect – even if opinions on political and social developments differ. These guidelines are intended to provide all members of the University with a basis and orientation for how we can enter into a respectful dialogue on this topic, even if understanding is sometimes difficult and agreement is not always possible.

Support services for students and staff members

Previous statements

Planned events will be published here soon.