The FIT is a research institution of national and international importance in the field of basic research, which provides the basis for the development of new materials systems and technologies with life-like functions.
Following the example of living nature, the “vital” materials systems developed are interactive, adaptive, energy autonomous, self-repairing, self-improving or even learning. With these extraordinary properties and functions, they make a decisive contribution to the sustainable development of technology and society.
The main research areas are grouped into four Future Fields: Adaptive and Active Materials; Biomimetic, Bio-based and Bioactive Materials Systems; (Micro)Systems for Energy Conversion, Storage and Energy-autonomy; and New Materials: Societal Challenges. The research projects are supported by the Core Facilities Imaging of Materials Systems and Functional Processing and the Service Group Modelling and Simulation of Materials Systems.
At the FIT, the University of Freiburg combines its core competences in chemistry, physics, materials research, microsystems, biomimetics and medicine.