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Dr. Giorgos Pyrowolakis

Research Interest

We use Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism to address basic questions in the regulation of intercellular signaling. We are particularly interested in morphogen signaling elicited by Drosophila BMPs and use a combination of approaches to understand how gradients of signaling activity are established and maintained and how cells within the morphogen-field sense and interpret graded signaling.


  1. Vigano, M. A., Ell, C. M., Kustermann, M. M., Aguilar, G., Matsuda, S., Zhao, N., … & Pyrowolakis, G. (2021). Protein manipulation using single copies of short peptide tags in cultured cells and in Drosophila melanogaster. Development, 148(6), dev191700.
  2. Vuilleumier, R., Springhorn, A., Patterson, L., Koidl, S., Hammerschmidt, M., Affolter, M., & Pyrowolakis, G. (2010). Control of Dpp morphogen signalling by a secreted feedback regulator. Nature cell biology, 12(6), 611-617.
  3. Pyrowolakis, G., Hartmann, B., Müller, B., Basler, K., & Affolter, M. (2004). A simple molecular complex mediates widespread BMP-induced repression during Drosophila development. Developmental cell, 7(2), 229-240.

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What I am looking for in a prospective Rising Star

The prospective candidate in the FRSA should share scientific and research interests with us. Ideally, the candidate has a proven record of work experience in our field of research – or in a research field with strong connections to our research foci.
Ideally, the stay of the candidate in my lab should serve as a platform for one of the following:

  • Bilateral exchange of ideas and/or new technologies to tackle common scientific questions
  • Laying the foundation for future collaboration
  • Setting the basis for joint funding applications (for example by generating preliminary data and testing new ideas)