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Track 2: Open Applications to a Host Institution

Some of our partners in the Freiburg Rising Stars Academy offer Track 2: Open Application to a Host Institution. This Track targets candidates who have a more general interest in the University of Freiburg’s collaborative research efforts comprised in our partner institutions and may wish to work with a particular lab or researcher more closely, who is currently not listed among the designated Host-PIs. Please consult the following profiles for more information on what research areas these partners cover, who may apply through Track 2 and who to contact for questions.

Living, Adaptive and Energy-autonomous Materials Systems (livMatS)

Expectations for Prospective Rising Stars:




Applications may come from:

  • PhD candidates
  • PostDocs
  • Assistant Professors / Junior Professors
Gregg Dubow

Graduate Coordinator Cluster of Excellence livMatS @ FIT – Freiburg Center for Interactive Materials and Bioinspired Technologies

BrainLinks-BrainTools / Intelligent Machine-Brain Interfacing Technology (IMBIT)

Primary Research Areas:

  • NeuroProbes: it deals with the interaction of neural tissues with engineering materials. It is driven by the question of how the long-term functionality of miniaturized technical interfaces in direct contact with neuronal tissues of the central nervous system can be ensured. At IMBIT we offer clean room facilities as well as a Soft-FIB.
  • NeuroCore: it investigates the neurobiological basis for decoding and encoding information from / into the brain. For this purpose, different methods for read out and write in are used such as optophysioligical techniques enhanced by several types of microscopes.
  • NeuroBotics: here the focus is on the neurotechnological interaction between humans and intelligent assistance systems in complex everyday situations. At IMBIT we work with several robotic devices and read out techniques for human brain signals.


  • Boehler, C., Carli, S., Fadiga, L., Stieglitz, T., Asplund, M.: Tutorial: Guidelines for standardized performance tests for electrodes intended for neural interfaces and bioelectronics. Nature Protocols, 15 (11), 3557-3578 (2020)
  • Melbaum, S., Russo, E., Eriksson, D. Schneider, A., Durstewith, D, Brox, T., Diester, I.:  Conserved structures of neural activity in sensorimotor cortex of freely moving rats allow cross-subject decoding. Nat Commun 13, 7420 (2022).
  • Lukas A.W. Gemein, Robin T. Schirrmeister, Patryk Chrabąszcz, Daniel Wilson, Joschka Boedecker, Andreas Schulze-Bonhage, Frank Hutter, Tonio Ball,
    Machine-learning-based diagnostics of EEG pathology, NeuroImage, Volume 220, 2020, 117021,

Expectations for Prospective Rising Stars





A special note: If you are with the University of Oxford, IMBIT would be interested to use the Freiburg Rising Stars Academy to ignite a new project within the initiative #BrainWorlds

Hanna Schmoltzi

Coordinator, BrainLinks-BrainTools // IMBIT

Address: Georges-Köhler-Allee 201 D-79110 Freiburg

Freiburg Institute for Basic Income Studies (FRIBIS)

Primary Research Area:

Universal Basic Income from different disciplinary perspectives including:

  • Economic Policy and Constitutional Economic Theory
  • Cognition, Action and Sustainability
  • Caritas Science and Christian Social Work
  • Social and Cultural Anthropology
  • Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
  • Education Science

Expectations for Prospective Rising Stars:






Dr. Bianca Blum

Research Associate Freiburg Institutes of Basic Income Studies (FRIBIS)

Addresse: Rempartstr. 10 -16 D-79098 Freiburg

Has one of these partners peaked your interest? Then consider applying for Track 2: Open Application to Host Institution. Simply follow the steps outlined on our “How to Apply” Page and make sure to submit your application in time.