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Learning & Development | Coaching

Coaching for postdoctoral researchers

Whether you want to plan your career strategically and create your own profile, develop your individual leadership style or actively approach your challenges such as stress management, work-life balance, conflict management and much more – our coaching offers you professional consulting, guidance and support with experienced external coaches for your individual career development.

If required, we can support you with up to 4.5 hours of individual coaching! We cover the majority of the costs for your coaching with a €20 contribution per coaching session to be paid by you.

Our Coaches

Dr. Marieke Abram

Dr. Dorothee Kaiser

Dr. Sarah Francesca Löw

Prof. Dr. Christine Lohmeier

Apl. Prof. Dr. Karin Orth

Dr. Sebastian Philipp

Dr. Ulrike Schneeberg

PD Dr. Angelina Topan

Dr. Thomas C. Uhlendahl

Feedback from coachees

‘The coaching has brought me several steps forward in my personal development and I would like to thank you very much for that! It is particularly important to emphasise that [the Learning & Development Programme] has people as coaches who know the special case of ‘university’ and can therefore assess the situation much better. A coach who only knows the private sector is much less helpful.’

‘My coach gave me exactly the kind of coaching I wanted: constant support in my everyday academic life, which is characterised by many minor conflicts and competitive situations, particular moments of stress and role conflicts.’

‘I am completely satisfied with the process:

‘In combination with a CV check [ ], the coaching helped me to take the currently very uncertain/unclear situation about remaining in academia in the long term more calmly and thus made the situation easier. I would therefore like to thank you for providing the entire offer and the financial support.’