Text icon 'UFR' standing for University of Freiburg
Equity, Diversity and Academic Personnel Development
Seal element of the university of freiburg in the shape of a clover

Promoting diversity and shaping academic careers

We believe that actively shaping career paths and the conditions of work in academia is a key step towards producing a culture of vibrant diversity in our university. As the department of the Vice Rector for University Culture, in the units Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and Academic Personnel Development we are committed to creating an equitable, inclusive and antidiscriminatory university culture, in order to offer attractive conditions for studying, careers and work.

Impetus for a modern and diverse university culture

By developing innovative concepts and implementing measures in both areas, we actively contribute to shaping the strategic focus and institutional development of our university. In national and international networks we influence higher education debates and decisions and thus help to bring about positive changes in higher education beyond our own university.

A woman holds a clipboard in her hand and writes on a yellow piece of paper with a black pen. The note reads "CARD" and "Academic Personnel Development".

Academic Personnel Development


Equity, Diversity and Inclusion



