Our strategy
Structural, cultural and individual development
In close cooperation with the rectorate, we develop strategies for the structural and cultural development of the University of Freiburg as well as for the individual development of our researchers – based on the overall strategic goals, the needs of our various target groups and always with a focus on the latest developments and debates in higher education policy.
Academic career paths: designing academic personnel structures
Attractive and future-oriented career paths are crucial for attracting talented academics to the University of Freiburg in the long term and promoting their potential in the best possible way. We place great emphasis on diversity and fostering an environment that provides researchers with diverse opportunities for growth and development.
The University of Freiburg is committed to developing attractive career paths in addition to professorships and specifically works on the structural improvement of career paths in order to ensure high-quality recruitment and good working conditions.
We develop concepts for new permanent positions besides the professorship that ensure and increase the quality of teaching, research, transfer and science communication. These permanent career paths lead to better supervision and support for students, doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers, create continuity in work and team processes and preserves valuable experience and expertise.
For the University of Freiburg, the tenure track professorship is very important to shape career paths responsibly, raise the profile of faculties and departments and increase our competitive ability to attract national and international talents. We strive constantly to develop the tenure track professorship and offer junior and tenure track professors targeted support through our Tenure Track Office.
As co-founder and coordinator we are active in the nationwide tenure track network in UniWiND e.V. together with the Friedrich Schiller University Jena as well as involved in higher education policy at European level with ‘Careers of Researchers and HR’ in the League of European Research Universities (LERU).
University culture: promoting good leadership, support and working conditions
Based on the university’s mission statement, we are actively shaping the future of our leadership and support culture at the University of Freiburg with various projects and services. We believe that everyone who works here in research and teaching should be able to rely on positive, high-quality leadership and support, good working conditions as well as collegiality.
Together with Personnel Development for Administration, Services and Technical, we coordinate the university-wide process of developing leadership guidelines at the University of Freiburg, with the aim of providing orientation, transparency and reliability for everyone with leadership tasks.
We design and organise target group-specific offers and individual leadership coaching to further develop leadership, supervision and management skills for all academic managers from postdoc level up to and including university and faculty management.
Respectful cooperation thrives on a variety of exchange formats and shared discussions about our university culture. We regularly organise workshops and networking events in order to actively shape and promote the further development of our culture at the University of Freiburg.
The University of Freiburg aims to survey all post-doctoral researchers regularly about their work and career conditions. This survey was conducted for the first time in 2024, and, together with GraCe, we are working to record and improve the working conditions for post-doctoral researchers at the University of Freiburg.
Centre for Advanced Researcher Development: Individuelle Kompetenzen entwickeln
The Centre for Advanced Researcher Development (CARD) offers target group-specific services for all academic career phases after the doctorate in preparation for activities within and outside academia. We develop leadership, mentoring and transformation skills for a future-oriented and innovative university. Our services are in line with the European Framework for Research Careers and are routinely quality-assured and developed.
Centre for Advanced Researcher Development (CARD)
Our Centre for Advanced Researcher Development (CARD) supports all postdoctoral researchers in preparing for (future) challenges within or outside academia
alle Wissenschaftler*innen nach der Promotion bei der Vorbereitung auf (künftige) Herausforderungen innerhalb oder außerhalb der Wissenschaft:
- Welcome & onboarding for post-doctoral researchers
- Skills and career development for post-doctoral researchers incl. mentoring & coaching programmes
- Leadership skills development for new professors
- Tenure Track Office for junior and TT professors
- Leadership and support programme for professors (coming soon)
- Individual leadership coaching for professors
- Individual advice on career planning and further training opportunities
The Tenure Track Office is in charge of advice and coordination for any issues in relation to tenure track and junior professorships.
Leadership and university culture
The University of Freiburg is committed to a university culture that – in line with its mission statement – is based on respectful and responsible behaviour. We therefore promote high-quality leadership and supervision as well as good working conditions for our academics.
Start@UFR | Onboarding for researchers
Welcome to the University of Freiburg! Our onboarding services provide important information and will help you to settle in quickly.