Seal element of the university of freiburg in the shape of a circle

Centre for Advanced Researcher Development [CARD]

Overview image with all offers of the Centre for Advanced Researcher Development for postdoctoral researchers and professors; a detailed and accessible description of the text for this image is linked below

CARD: all of our services at a glance

Career stages in focus: customised skills development for every target group

Each stage of an academic’s career demands they have many different skills. So here at the Centre for Advanced Researcher Development (CARD) we offer programmes and services tailored to each career stage as set out in the European Framework for Research Careers. CARD is designed for all postdoctoral researchers, whether early postdoc (R2), established researcher (R3) or professor (R4). CARD also offers the AdvanceMent mentoring programme for advanced doctoral researchers (R1) in the transition to the early postdoc phase (R2).

We regularly refine our services and always tailor them to the individual

At the Centre for Advanced Researcher Development we offer workshops, coaching and mentoring programmes and individual advice. From leadership and management through communication skills to academic practice – we can give you the tools for the next step in your personal development whether in academia or beyond. We routinely quality-control and refine our services, to ensure that you always benefit from the latest and most relevant content.

The Academic Career Stages – an Overview

Recognised Researchers (R2)

Services and Offers

Start@UFR | Postdoctoral Researchers
Events and support for new postdoctoral researchers

Learning & Development
Open workshops & coaching for individual skills development on the topics of career planning, management, leadership, research practice & communication

Mentoring programme for career development inside and outside of academia

Coaching programme for female researchers in academia

Individual Consulting

Established Researchers (R3)

Services and Offers

Start@UFR | Postdoctoral Researchers
Events and support for new postdoctoral researchers

Learning & Development
Open workshops & coaching for individual skills development on the topics of career planning, management, leadership, research practice & communication

Coaching programme for female researchers in academia

Tenure Track Office
Consulting and support for Junior- and Tenure Track-Professors

UFR | lead & supervise
Certificate programme for postdoctoral researchers on leadership and supervision in academia (coming soon)

Individual Consulting

Leading Researchers (R4)

Services and Offers

Start@UFR | Professors
Support and offers on leadership for new professors

Leadership Training for New Professors
Führungskräfteentwicklung für Neuberufene in zwei Modulen

UFR | führen & betreuen Profs
Offers for established professors on personnel management, strategy & change management, supervision, management of research networks [ger] (coming soon)

UFR | führen & managen Rektorat & Dekan*innen
Offers and counselling for members of the Rectorate and Deans on leadership, strategy development & change, leadership exchange [ger] (coming soon)

Peer Consulting
Meetings for small groups of professors to discuss leadership topics

Individual Leadership Coaching
Individual coaching for professors on leadership and supervision topics with external coaches

Individual Consulting

Individual Consulting

Dr. Ramona Wurst [she/her]

Deputy Head of the Academic Personnel Development unit
Personnel development measures for post-doctoral researchers

Additional development programmes and services for researchers at the University of Freiburg can be found on the University of Freiburg’s central Academic Personnel Development page