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AdvanceMent Mentoring

Welcome to AdvanceMent Freiburg

Our structured mentoring programme AdvanceMent supports researchers from all faculties of the university in the postdoctoral phase as well as in the advanced doctoral phase by promoting their strategic career planning and development.

In three programme lines and two programme languages, AdvanceMent creates opportunities to orientate oneself professionally with the help of mentoring and to successfully master the next career step through reflection, feedback, networking, collegial support and skills development.

A programme-specific range workshops and coaching offers all mentees the opportunity to qualify and establish themselves in their professional disciplines at an early stage.

To help you decide which programme line is best suited to you at the moment, please refer to FAQ Mentees.

Three programme lines


For researchers that aim for an academic career.

  • duration 12 months from July
  • programme language German
  • one-on-one mentoring with (professionally) experienced mentors
  • peer-mentoring with collegial advice
  • at least 4 workshops on career-related topics
  • individual coaching on application/career planning
  • process support by programme leader


For researchers that aim for a career in the non-academic job market in business, society and culture.

  • duration 12 months from July
  • programme language German
  • one-on-one mentoring with (professionally) experienced mentors
  • peer-mentoring with collegial advice
  • at least 4 workshops on career-related topics
  • individual coaching on application/career planning
  • process support by programme leader


For international and other English-speaking researchers that aim for an academic or a non-academic career.

  • duration 12 months
  • entry depending on availability of places
  • programme language English
  • one-on-one mentoring with (professionally) experienced mentors
  • 4 workshops on overarching career-related topics
  • individual process support by programme leader

Please note: the programme line is currently being evaluated. Applications are not possible at the present moment.

The Five Elements of AdvanceMent

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One-on-one mentoring: AdvanceMent Freiburg offers the classic one-on-one mentoring between mentee and mentor (also called tandem) in all programme lines. We jointly search for (professionally) experienced mentors from various fields who will advise the mentees with their personal experience on what steps to take next professionally.

Peergroup mentoring: the programme lines @academia and @newpathways are further divided into smaller peer groups based on professional goals and areas of expertise. The peer group meets in a self-organized manner approximately every 4-6 weeks over the course of the programme to network and support each other. Each peer group determines their own goals, topics and the manner of working together.

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