Dr. Marieke Abram
Coaching Foci
- Personality development, career development, strategic development
- Conflict management, interaction with difficult personalities
- Time-management
- Authentic self-marketing
- Philosophical questions about life
German, English, Italian, Dutch
- (Hypno-)Systemic coaching
- Change management
- Mediation
- Philosophical counseling
- Hypnosystemic Communication (Milton H. Erickson Institut, Rottweil)
- Systemic Coaching and Change Management (INeKO – Institut an der Universität zu Köln)
- Mediation (VWA Freiburg)
- Academic Change Management (DAAD)
- PhD in history of philosophy (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg)
- Study of philosophy (Radboud Universität Nijmegen, NL)
Professional experience:
- 2018-2021, Deutsches Seminar, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg: Postdoc
- 2017-2022, Limberger+Dilger: trainee, senior partner, and finally managing director, active in the areas of coaching, change management, moderation, and mediation
- Since 2014, Hypatia CMP (owner): (Hypno-)systemic coach, change-manager, mediator, moderator, and philosophical counselor
- 2010-2017, Philosophisches Seminar, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg: PhD, scientific staff member in various projects
Areas of expertise:
- Career and life coaching
- Team coaching
- Executive coaching
- Change management
- Moderation
- Mediation
International experience:
- School visit (Italy)
- Academic study (Australia, Netherlands)
- Research visits (Netherlands, Italy, Great Britain)
Dr. Dorothee Kaiser
Coaching Foci
- Personal growth and career coaching
- Decision-making and overcoming personal and professional crises
- Coaching in intercultural challenging contexts
- Time management and balance of family and professional life
German, English, Spanish, French
- Dynamic coaching approach of Co-Active-Coaching: co-creating new perspectives and solutions with the client (tools such as: visualization, creative methods, change of perspectives, embodiment)
- The “resource model of Zürich” (Zürcher Ressourcenmodell): Rediscovery of forgotten resources, reactivating the power of previous successes for empowering self-confidence
- Work with the “inner team” and the “inner criticizer” for minimizing fears, blockades and exaggerated perfectionism
- 2017-2018: Formation of Leadership Development of the Coach Training Institute (CTI), Barcelona
- Since 2017: Professional Certified Coach (PCC) of the International Coach Federation (ICF)
- 2012-2013: Coaching Formation by CTI in Fürth, Certification as a Co-Active Professional Certified Coach (CPCC)
- Member of ICF Global and ICF Germany
- 2002: PhD in Spanish Linguistics, Tübingen University, Germany
- Since 2013: Coaching for researchers and executives in national and international contexts, expats and expat-families
- Since 2007: Trainer for Intercultural competence at universities and companies; lecturer at Reutlingen University for Intercultural Management
- 1998-2004: Research Assistant in Romance Philology at Tübingen University
- 1994-1998 DAAD-Representative and guest lecturer in Caracas, Venezuela
Dr. Sarah Francesca Löw
Coaching Foci
- Work-life balance (loneliness, single life, partnership, desire for children, difficulties in pregnancy, parenthood, emotional coping and adjustment difficulties, competitive situations)
- Stress management, relaxation techniques, self-efficacy and resilience beyond the compulsion to self-optimization
- Acute crises
- “Is that normal in this job or am I ill?” Differential diagnosis of work-related stress and clinical symptoms
German, English
- Depth psychological techniques
- Resource activation
- Solution-oriented coaching
- Biography work
- 2022: State examination as Psychological Psychotherapist
- 2020: Trauma therapy (University of Ulm & Bielefeld)
- 2017-2022: Training as Psychological Psychotherapist (depth psychology)
- 2017: PhD in psychology (dissertation research on resources and resilience)
- 2015: Psycho-oncologist (German Cancer Society)
- 2008-2014: Bachelor & Master of Science in Psychology (University of Trier)
- Since 2023: Psychological psychotherapist and coach (with focus on mental health) in my private practice
- Since 2022: Lecturer at the International University (Medical School GmbH): Psychotherapeutic methods and interventions, psychotherapy research
- 2020-2022: Psychological psychotherapist in education at Mutterhaus Trier
- 2018: Guest lecturer in philosophy on the subject of sexual violence (University of Trier)
- 2017: Training on burnout & prevention (University Hospital Regensburg)
- 2015-2018: Research associate at University Hospital Regensburg
Prof. Dr. Christine Lohmeier
Coaching Foci
- Overcoming doubt and overwhelm
- Time management
- The application process
- Preparing for job interviews and hearings
German, English
- CTFAR-Model
- Holding space
- Tools derived from cognitive and positive psychology research
- Certified as a coach with the Life Coach School
- Certified as a yoga and mediation instructor with the Hridaya School, Munich
- University professor
- PhD and postdoc supervisor
- In-depth knowledge of selection committees (including as an applicant, a member, head of the selection committee and external examiner)
- Worked in different international contexts
Apl. Prof. Dr. Karin Orth
Coaching Foci
- individual coaching sessions with researchers
- research supervision in the humanities, cultural and social studies
- crises in the research process and how to overcome them
- biographical and professional stock-taking
- balance of skills
German, English
- central to my work as coach is the individual with their concerns. The method is therefore adjusted to the coachees and their topic, as well as to their individual situation.
- trained according to the principles of “Pedaktik” in the tradition of humanist psychology and a person-centred dialogical approach
- dialogue (with the elements of listening, questions, understanding, visualising) is central to my work
- frequent use of instruments form systemic coaching, psycho drama (e.g. role play, work with constellations), biographical work (e.g. life profiles, genograms)
- questions concerning career planning and decision-making processes: use of balance of skills according to Lang-von Wins/Triebel
- certified postgraduate studies “coaching and consultation” at the Akademie für wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung der Freiburger Hochschulen according to the principles of Pedaktik® (didactics of personality development for managers)
- certified balance of-skills coach at PerformPartner Munich
- certified Guided Autobiography Instructor at the University of Southern California; certified as crisis companion at the professional association for prevention and rehabilitation at the Erzdiözese Freiburg
- further training in person-centred dialogic communication and psycho drama
- teaching appointments for coaching, biography work at the University of Stuttgart, the Freiburger Akademie für wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung, the PH Freiburg
- founder of the institute for biography work and biographical studies, _ifbas (http://www.ifbas.de/index.html)
- member of the CoachingnetzWissenschaft e.V (www.coachingnetz-wissenschaft.de)
- lecturer (with a habilitation) for modern and contemporary history at the university of Freiburg, more than 25 years of professional experience in research and teaching (research interests: history of science, research funding and research policy, national socialism and the history of violence during the 20th century, biographical research, “war children”, social history of the 19th century, oral history)
- since 1991: historian in research and research management
- since 1997: consultation and supervision of students and young academics in history
- 2003 – 2009: voluntary engagement as companion to people in crises
- since 2009: coach for researchers, work with academics (among them PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, assistant professors, full professors in Freiburg, at the graduate school GRADE at the university of Frankfurt, and for Scimento)
Dr. Sebastian Philipp
Coaching Foci
- professional or private conflicts and crisis
- time- and stressmanagement, work/life-balance
- decision-making and orientation
- improving self-confidence, coping with fears and pressure to perform
German, English
- systemic work
- gestalt therapy
- working with inner parts
- mindfulness-based techniques
- gestalt therapy
- systemic family constellations
- Phd in systemic neuroscience (focus on: learning, neural plasticity and meditation)
- zen-training (line: „Leere Wolke“ )
- coaching for adults and students since 2013
- hosting of meditation groups and workshops since 2010 (authorization by zen-master Gisela Drescher to lead zen-groups)
- postdoc in different universities, clinics and facilities from 2013 to 2017
Dr. Ulrike Schneeberg
Coaching Foci
- Career paths after/outside of academia
- Personal Development
- Communication, Leadership, Power
- Mental Health and Selfcare
German, English
- Solution Focused Coaching
- Nonviolent Communication
- Systemic Coaching
- Since 2022: PCC (Professional Certified Coach) with the International Coaching Federation (ICF)
- Since 2021: Trainer Nonviolent Communication (Gabriele Seils – certified by the CNVC)
- Since 2020: certified systemic business coach (DVCT-certified training)
- Since 2019: systemic business trainer (DVCT-certified training)
- 2010-2015: PhD in American Culture (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
- 2007-2009: M.A. in Comparative Literature (Freie Universität Berlin)
- 2003-2007: B.A. in Modern and Medieval Languages (University of Cambridge and Université de Montréal)
- Since 2018: Coaching for researchers
- Since 2018: Trainer mostly in academic and research settings: career decisions and orientation, mental health & resilience, communication for better collaboration (feedback, conflict, (self-)leadership) based on Nonviolent Communication
- Author of the book „Monster zähmen – Ein Übungs- und Unterhaltungsbuch für Geisteswissenschaftler*innen auf Jobsuche (Martapress: 2017)
- Marketing and fundraising in two startups, managing and assisting in trainings and workshops for an organisational consultancy
PD Dr. Angelina Topan
Coaching Foci
- professorial appointment procedures and negotiation
- preparation for applications and interviews
- conducting successful negotiations
- career planning inside and outside of academia
- strategic considerations
- leadership and team development
- self-management
- Work-Life Balance
German, English
- systemic solution-oriented coaching method
- creative techniques
- Edgar Schein’s career anchors
- certified as systemic-goal-oriented coach (DBVC-zertifiziert) at the Führungsakademie Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe
- psychological diagnostics in coaching (Führungsakademie Baden-Württemberg)
- training and certification: „key qualifications in teaching“ at the Hamburg University for economics and politics; areas: presentation, Moderation, conversation techniques, conflict management, team development, project management (160h of courses including supervision; conducted by Prof. Claus Nowak)
- certified postgraduate studies: „teaching qualification for research and further training at the Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Hochschuldidaktik, Universität Hamburg; (Prof. F. Schulz von Thun)
- habilitation in political studies
- PhD in political studies
- since 2004 foundation of the Institute for Personnel Development and Coaching
- many years of experience in scientific careers as a research assistant and staff member (1996-2004) and since 1999 as a trainer and coach
- since 2009 coaching for international and national scientists and executives in research organizations
Dr. Thomas C. Uhlendahl
Coaching Foci
- managers and teams from private and public sectors, research and young academics
German, English
- systemic, resource-based, oriented towards solutions
- conflict coaching
- 2006: certified mediator (according to BM-guidelines)
- 2012: certified systemic business coach ( Führungsakademie Baden-Württemberg, similar to DBVC)
- conflict-, team-, leadership-coaching in various sectors and with several status groups