Seal element of the university of freiburg in the shape of a circle

protect. Protection against discrimination and abuse of power at the University of Freiburg

protect offers advice and support to every member of the University of Freiburg, who has experienced discrimination or abuse of power. If you have experienced or witnessed discrimination or abuse of power and want to challenge it, we’re here to help you!

You can obtain advice from protect in person, by telephone or online, even if you are not sure whether it is a case of discrimination or abuse of power. Our advice is provided free of charge and confidentially. You can reach us by email at or telephone +49 761 203-54165 or via the contact teaser below.

In addition to counselling those affected, protect is committed to the further development of protection against discrimination at the University of Freiburg. Other project components include the development of a guideline for dealing with complaints of discrimination and abuse of power and preventative thematic programmes.  

The image shows the sentence: Individual consulting



What you need to know about our advice

The picture shows a hand, writing something with a blue pencil.



You can contact us here

The picture shows colourful lego bricks lying all over the place


Project elements

Learn more about protect
