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Das Studentische Nachhaltigkeitsbüro

Eure Anlaufstelle für Nachhaltigkeit an der Universität Freiburg

Team des studentischen Nachhaltigkeitsbüros (v.l.n.r.): Lucas Thil, Lora Gyuzeleva (Nachhaltigkeitsmanagerin Uni Freiburg), Priska Schweikert, Lena Rohwedder, Nick Sommerauer (nicht im Bild)

The Student Sustainability Office is the central point of contact for all students and interested parties who want to help shape a sustainable future at the University of Freiburg. In particular, it acts as an interface between the student body and the committees of the university concerned with sustainability. The Student Sustainability Office was established at the university in June 2023 on the initiative of students, is located at the Vice-Rectorate for Internationalization and Sustainability and is managed by the university’s Sustainability Manager.

Unser Angebot für euch


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(Hebelstraße 10, 2. Stock, Raum 02 012)

0761/ 203 4937