Seal element of the university of freiburg in the shape of a flower


The University of Freiburg is one of Europe’s strongest research universities. Thanks to its broad spectrum of academic fields, the University of Freiburg has great potential for innovative fundamental research – both at the core of individual disciplines and in collaborative interdisciplinary research. Freiburg researchers maintain close contact with other researchers at all levels – both locally and worldwide – at other universities and research institutions, as well as with industry partners

Nahaufnahme einer Glasplatte unter einem Mikroskop
Ein handschriftlich beschriebenes Blatt Papier mit einer Hand, die einen Füllfederhalter hält.

The University of Freiburg’s outstanding quality in research and teaching is regularly reflected in various national and international higher education rankings.

In the current DFG Atlas, the University of Freiburg ranks ninth among German universities in terms of the acquisition of third-party funding from the German Research Foundation. After adjustment by research field and size of institution, the University of Freiburg ranks third among all German universities.

Researchers at the University of Freiburg receive support from the Freiburg Research Services in all matters relating to research funding.

All researchers at the University of Freiburg are committed to responsible handling of research data.

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Third-party funding 2023


Doctoral graduation


Doctoral researchers 2023

The reflection of the Kollegiengebäude II in the windows of the university library.

Research profile

Scientists covering a broad spectrum of subjects work on excellent, interdisciplinary and internationally visible cooperative research at the University of Freiburg in the three key research areas of Cultures and Societies in Space and Time, Pathways to Sustainability and Signals of Life.

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A woman and a man stand together in a hallway. They both look at a laptop which the man is holding and discuss


As one of the most successful universities in Germany at attracting outside funding, the University of Freiburg is distinguished by the variety of its research projects, funded by the DFG, EU, BMBF, foundations and others.

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People in gowns throw doctoral hats into the air at the University of Freiburg's KGI.

Doctoral Studies

You can obtain a doctorate in numerous subjects and fields of research at the University of Freiburg. The paths to a doctorate are also many and diverse: all eleven faculties award the highest academic degree as part of structured doctoral programmes or as individual doctorates. With its Graduate Centre, the University of Freiburg offers a central service point for all doctoral students – and for anyone who wishes to become one.

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Nordfassade des Hauptgebäudes der technischen Fakultät mit dem Universitätslogo.

Research Structures

Excellent research takes place at the faculties and academic centres, complemented by the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) and research infrastructures.

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Nahaufnahme der Bronzestatue von Homer vor dem KG 1

Quality Assurance

The University of Freiburg regards it as its duty to ensure the freedom of research and to deal with research risks and research data based on the fundamental principles of Good Scientific Practice.

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Two women are looking at a brochure on a table together

Services for Researchers

Freiburg’s Research Services include the Graduate Centre (GraCe), EU office, Science Support Centre (SSC) and the Research Cooperations and Structures Centre (FKS). They are available to help researchers at the University of Freiburg with any issues relating to research funding.

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