Seal element of the university of freiburg in the shape of a circle

Leadership and University Culture

The University of Freiburg is committed to the constant development of its leadership and university culture. In doing so, we focus on shared values, clear guidelines and open dialogue. We strengthen a positive and supportive culture at the University of Freiburg through targeted skills development and active participation in our processes.

Development of Leadership Guidelines

Cultural change | Dialogue & exchange

Leadership skills for researchers

Development of leadership guidelines for the whole university

The issue of leadership and support affects every member of the University. With the assistance of an external process consultation, the University of Freiburg has been working on leadership guidelines for the whole university since June 2024. These guidelines are intended to provide orientation and transparency along with a sense of commitment, and to form the framework for successful leadership and supervision at the university. Finally, transfer measures should ensure that the guidelines have a lasting impact on university management behaviour.

To this end, the Senate has established a work group that will develop these guidelines under the joint responsibility of the Head of Administration and the Vice Rector for University Culture. This group includes staff from administration, university services and technical services as well as students, doctoral candidates, postdocs, professors and deans. The staff committee, Equal Opportunities Officer and Equal Opportunity Representative also make up the work group.

University-wide event “Zukunft gestalten: Unsere Führungsleitlinien im Dialog”

Help shape the leadership culture at the university Freiburg! In an open dialogue, we invite all university members from academia, administration, service, and technical departments to discuss the current status of our leadership guidelines and collaboratively explore how we can implement them sustainably. We warmly invite you to join us!

While the event will be held in German, contributions in English are very welcome. We highly value the perspectives of our international colleagues and encourage their active participation.

When?Tuesday, 04 Februar 2025, 09.00-12.00
Where?Aula, KG I

The number of participants is limited, register until January 31, 2025, via HISinOne. Please log in first with your account and then search for the event “Zukunft gestalten” (Role: Employee).

If you have any problems with the registration, please contact us at


Kathrin Pallasch

Coordination of development of leadership guidelines for the whole university

Cultural change | Dialogue & exchange

What are good working conditions at the University of Freiburg? What is everyday working life like for researchers? What challenges do they face and what changes would they like to see?

We probe these questions using exchanges, target group-specific networking opportunities and regular surveys, because we believe dialogue and connection within the academic community is important. We actively contribute the results of our efforts to university bodies and the university’s structural and development plans.

A selection of our activities:

Leadership skills for researchers

The Centre for Advanced Researcher Development (CARD) supports budding and established academic management in the individual development of their leadership, support and management skills. The everyday demands of leadership differ depending on position and responsibilities. So we develop services specifically tailored to post-doctoral researchers, newly-appointed and established professors, deans and executive board (Rectorate) members.