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AdvanceMent | FAQ Mentees

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits for mentees at AdvanceMent Freiburg?

AdvanceMent Freiburg offers you a variety of opportunities for career development:

  • Career orientation through the exchange of experiences with the peer group and the mentor by obtaining valuable insider knowledge and identifying your own strengths and weaknesses
  • Personal and honest exchange with an experienced professional about your own potential and goals
  • Support in the development of clear career goals as well as in the planning and implementation of next steps
  • Knowledge of formal and informal structures, processes and rules in science and business
  • Insights into the path to a professorship or a new professional field
  • Widening of your professional horizon
  • Further development of your own career-relevant competencies and qualifications
  • Expansion of an interdisciplinary network
  • Access to and expansion of the subject- or profession-specific network via your mentor