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Learning & Development | Workshops and Events

Workshops for career development in the summer semester 2025

For all postdoctoral researchers, junior research group leaders and junior and tenure-track professors

Our workshops and offers are targeted at postdoctoral researchers, who are on their way to a professorship as well as those who think about a non-academic career paths. Even if you are not sure yet whether you want to leave academia, we offer the support and space for you to recognize and promote your potential and we accompany you in your career decisions. Our offers are designed to support you in the preparation for future positions in research, industry and in political, social or other institutions. We want to enable you to meet the following goals:

With Learning & Development’s workshop offers, we support your career development for your professional future inside and outside of academia.

You will find detailed descriptions of all workshops in HISinOne when you register.

Management, Leadership & Health

As a postdoctoral researcher you will inevitably encounter conflicts throughout your career, deriving from diverse interests, goals, or expectations. This online workshop invites you to explore the dynamics of different conflict types and understand how to address disputes constructively and proactively. By participating in this highly interactive seminar via Zoom, you will learn to manage your emotions and those of others, respond effectively to criticism, detect conflicts within your team and recognize conflict escalation stages. Through a mix of trainer input, practical exercises, and self-reflection, you will gain valuable insights into your own behavior, set clear goals for improving your communication and conflict resolution skills and get guidelines for preparing and leading a conflict talk.

Dates:Mon., 28.04.2025, 09:00 a.m.–05:30 p.m.
Tue., 29.04.2025, 09:00 a.m.–05:30 p.m.
Trainer:Dr Matthias Mayer | Trainer and Coach
Location:Online via Zoom

Orientation & Career Planning

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Date:Mi., 07.05.2025, 13:00–14:30 Uhr
Location:Online via ZOOM

Communication & Presentation

Der Kurs ist Teil des neuen Qualifizierungsprogramms WisskomQ. Es hat zum Ziel, Forschende aller Disziplinen und Karrierephasen umfassend in ihrer Wissenschaftskommunikation zu stärken. Es vermittelt dafür wesentliches Wissen und vielfältige praktische Fertigkeiten. Teilnehmende, die das gesamte WisskomQ-Programm durchlaufen (2 Grundlagenmodule, 3 Erweiterungsmodule), erhalten das Zertifikat WisskomQ der Universität Freiburg. Wenn Sie Interesse haben, am gesamten WisskomQ-Programm teilnehmen, kontaktieren Sie bitte

Postdocs aller Disziplinen und aller Karrierephasen erhalten in diesem eintägigen Grundlagenworkshop I eine umfassende Einführung in die Welt der Wissenschaftskommunikation. Sie erfahren nicht nur, was Wissenschaftskommunikation ausmacht, warum sie wichtig ist und welche rechtlichen Grundlagen zu beachten sind, sondern auch, wie Sie sich auf anspruchsvolle Kommunikationssituationen vorbereiten können, beispielsweise für Interviews oder den Umgang mit schwierigen Fragen. Nach dem Kurs werden Sie in der Lage sein, in verschiedenen medialen Umfeldern souverän und sicher aufzutreten sowie komplexe Sachverhalte einfach zu erklären. Außerdem werden Sie wissen, welche Angebote und Strukturen die Universität Freiburg im Bereich Wissenschaftskommunikation bereitstellt.

Date:Mo., 05.05.2025, 09:00–16:30 Uhr
Trainer:Robert Kötter | TwentyOne Skills
Location:Seminarraum der FRS, Friedrichstraße 41–43, 2. OG

Research practice & Research Funding

Do you want to enhance your statistic data analysis skills for your empirical research projects? This workshop offers doctoral candidates and postdocs a practical approach to statistics and data analysis using R and RStudio. You will learn how to use these tools for statistical problem-solving, techniques for creating and handling vectors and data frames, how to visualize data with plots and how to improve your R-programming efficiency. Master the basics and adapt these concepts to your research projects by applying to this workshop.

Dates:Mon., 28.04.2025, 08:45 a.m.–05:15 p.m.
Tue., 29.04.2025, 08:45 a.m.–5:15 p.m.
Trainer:Ralf Hurst | FRIDATA
Location:Freiburg Research Services, Friedrichstraße 41–43, Seminar Room 02 003 (2nd floor)

Individual Consulting

Are you planning to apply for a junior or lifetime professorship in the near future? The individual training for appointment procedures offers you comprehensive information, valuable tips and feedback for optimising your written application as well as individual training for the mock presentation, the teaching rehearsal and the interview with the appointment committee. The training includes a one-hour kick-off session and two further hours to allow you to work intensively on the written or oral part. The training is led by an experienced expert in appointment procedures, who was an appointment procedure officer at the University of Jena for several years.

Registration via HISinOne (see button below) or by email to

Dates:Fri., 04.07.2025
•          09:00–10:00 a.m.
•          10:10–11:10 a.m.
•          11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
(60 minutes per individual session, follow-up sessions by individual arrangement)
Trainer:Dr Matthias Schwarzkopf | Career Counsellor and Coach
Location:Online via Zoom
Language:English or German

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