Seal element of the university of freiburg in the shape of a circle


The Tenure-Track-Office is the central point for all services and activities relating to junior and tenure track professorships. We offer comprehensive advice and support for all junior and tenure track professors. We can provide important documents such as statutes and guidelines, and offer support for all processes concerning professorships. The office of the Permanent Tenure Committee also has its base in the Tenure-Track-Office, and the wide range of tenure track-related networking activities at the University of Freiburg is brought together here.

Tenure Track at the University of Freiburg

A key objective of the University of Freiburg is to make it simple to plan reliable and transparent career paths, as well as offering attractive conditions of work. With tenure track professorships we offer outstanding scientists the option of academic independence and transparent career planning from an early stage. For the University of Freiburg, this offers a special opportunity to attract scientific talent at an early stage and retain it in the long term.

For this reason, tenure track has been a strategic tool at the University of Freiburg since 2009 for responsibly shaping career paths, enhancing the profile of faculties and disciplines, and increasing competitiveness in the recruitment of international talent.

Tenure track professorships are a crucial element in structural planning at the University of Freiburg and frequently used in all faculties. Therefore they form a permanent part of the university and contribute significantly to institutional cultural change and the ability of our university to renew itself. The Joint Federal Government-Länder Funding Programme for Junior Academics to promote junior researchers has resulted in the successful acquisition of tenure track professorships, which are an important milestone in its realisation. The Tenure-Track-Office is responsible for implementing and coordinating the Joint Federal Government-Länder Funding Programme for Junior Academics.

Das Bild zeigt den Platz zwischen den Kollegiengebäuden eins, zwei und drei, auf dem sich viele junge Menschen aufhalten. Rechts sind blühende Kirschbäume zu sehen. Über das Bild ist ein transparenter Filter gelegt, sodass das Motiv abgedunkelt erscheint, über dem Filter ist das Logo der Tenure-Track-Tagung 2025 und des Tenure-Track-Workshops zu sehen.

Tenure-Track-Workshop 2025

6-7 March 2025 at the University of Freiburg

Workshop for academics in early career phases without a permanent professorship: early postdocs, group leaders, junior and tenure-track professors

Learn more

Advice and Skills Development

We guide junior/tenure track professors through every stage of the professorship and offer solutions tailor-made for the individual. We advise on the interim and tenure evaluation procedure and offer advanced training on interdisciplinary skills development and coaching, with a focus on developing junior and tenure track professors as managers and setting them on their career path. All these services are united in the Centre for Advanced Researcher Development (CARD).


Dr. Silvana Burke [she/her]

Consultant for tenure track and junior professorship procedures