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Webinar: Activism around the Globe

Climate activism has become a visible part of German university culture in the last years. Many students join activist groups in their free time, volunteer for climate projects, or try to establish climate-friendly habits in their private lifes. Have you ever wondered what it would mean to be a climate activist in a different region of the world? What are the dreams and visions of activists in Japan, Nigeria, or Pakistan? What are their biggest challenges and how do they meet them? Join this webinar to meet student activists from different regions of the globe, learn about their activist work, and engage in the discussion. The webinar will be hosted in English by the Student Sustainability Office of the University of Freiburg.





Dienstag 18.06.2024,  17:00 – 18:30 Uhr

Zoom: Meeting-Link

Isao Sakai (Japan), Ngozi Edum (Nigeria), Yarmiah Bukhari (Pakistan)

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