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Vauban SDG Tour

Explore the award-winning sustainable district of Vauban in Freiburg, Germany with our Vauban SDG Tour! This interactive walking tour introduces participants to the concepts of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the lens of one of Europe’s leading eco-neighborhoods, the Vauban.
Please install the “Action Bound” app before the start of the tour and download the “Vauban SDG Tour” content, in order to access multimedia content and
quizzes during the walk.
We are looking forward to meeting you & exploring the Vauban together on our SDG walk!






Freitag, 21.06.2024, 14:30 – 16:30

Endhaltestelle Straßenbahnlinie 3 Vauban (Innsbrucker Straße)

Modul: Sustainabilty city tours


Anmeldung unter: hochschultage-freiburg@posteo.de

Eucor – The European Campus

Universität Basel