Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) and University Colleges are new to German higher education. By taking up and adapting concepts from North America and the Netherlands, the University of Freiburg is breaking new ground.
University College Freiburg (UCF), founded in 2012 at the University of Freiburg, is situated in the historical buildings of the Alte Universität where the artes liberales were taught centuries ago as the cornerstone of university education. Today, Alte Universität is home to new explorations in higher education, including a Bachelor Program in Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS).
We invite you to explore our website and to learn more about UCF and our colleagues, programs, and projects.
UCF is a central institution at the University Freiburg University under the Vice-President for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Michael Schwarze. The UCF Directorate is responsible for strategic decision-making and integration into the University. Member are:
The UCF Advisory Board advises and supports UCF in establishing and further developing interdisciplinary and internationally oriented teaching programs at the University of Freiburg. Advisory Board members are representatives from civil society, business, and politics as well as from our students’ future work areas:
The Liberal Arts and Sciences Program falls under the responsibility of the LAS Board of Studies, chaired by the Dean of Studies. Please see here on our website for more information about the Board of Studies.
On September 30 and October 1, seven Liberal Arts and Sciences programs and initiatives from all across Germany convened at University College Freiburg. The workshop aimed at establishing an LAS network in and for the German higher education context. For two days, academic and administrative staff from Berlin, Gießen, Hamburg, Karlsruhe, Lüneburg, Nürnberg, and, of course, Freiburg got to know each other, discussed basic concepts and challenges of LAS, and identified areas for future collaboration. Stay tuned for more!
If you are interested in collaborating with and/or supporting UCF, please contact us at:
Drawing from the German research university and the student-centered spirit of American Liberal Education, UCF and our Liberal Arts and Sciences Program (LAS) bring together two academic traditions that shaped research and education worldwide. 300 engaged students from over 40 countries study at UCF. The quality of our education and alumni has garnered recognition from graduate programs and employers around the world. And we have raised awareness with other universities, the press, and funding institutions in Germany and beyond. Students have been awarded stipends from the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes or the DAAD. We have received third-party funding and private donations, including the Max Kade Foundation and the C.H. Beck Stiftung.
We can only succeed with your support!
Donations made towards research, teaching, and cultural activities at UCF are eligible for tax deductions. Donations from US-based institutions and individuals can be made through the Friends of Freiburg – Alumni North America. Beyond general purpose donations, you can support specific people and projects at UCF:
About 80% of our students study abroad for a semester or a year, and UCF hosts incoming exchange students. We welcome donations of all kinds towards international mobility and learning:
At UCF, we seek to broaden and enhance our pool of Teaching Fellows for the LAS Program also beyond Freiburg and Germany.
The LAS curriculum is by design open to new academic fields and instructors and offers flexibility in teaching formats, catering to short-term options such as eight-week blocks or intensive two-week courses. Additionally, we are exploring longer-term formats, such as a multiannual rotating visiting professorship or the establishment of a new professorship at UCF.
UCF is situated in the Alte Universität, one of the University’s most historic and atmospheric buildings. We strive to improve our learning and teaching facilities, including labs, a library, or guest accommodation, to introduce more 21st century to a 16th century setting. Our most ambitious aspiration is to renovate the vacant loft of Alte Universität – a perfect setting for UCF and a prominent landmark for the University, situated right in the heart of Freiburg.
UCF has a strong institutional and intellectual foundation at the University of Freiburg. And we are committed to the German model of publicly funded research and higher education. However, UCF is not only an innovative higher education institution. We aim to make an impact on higher education in Freiburg and beyond.
For more detailed information or if you are interested in visiting UCF, please contact us at: