The following courses were developed and offered in the context of the VirtualLAS project at UCF:
Pandemics – Detection, Containment, Control (Dr. Simon J. Büchner (UCF), Dr. Laith Hussain (University of Gothenburg), Prof. Dr. Axel Kroeger (University of Freiburg))
Sustainable Cities 2.0 – Exploring Cities from the North to the South (Dr. Natalie Gulsrud (University of Copenhagen), Dr. Sabine Sané (UCF))
Closing the Sustainability Loop? Governance of Sustainability, Actors, Rights and Principles (Dr. Constantine Manolchev (University of Exeter), Dr. Stoyan Panov (UCF))
European Union Rising up to Current Challenges (Dr. Martin Joormann (University of Lund), Dr. Magdalena Góra (Jagiellonian University in Krakow), Dr. Natasza Styczyńska (Jagiellonian University in Krakow), Prof. Dr. Maciaj Serowaniec (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun), Dr. Mila Mikalay (UCF), Dr. Stoyan Panov (UCF))