The Institute for East Asian Law at the University of Freiburg is one of the leading institutions in Europe in the field of Chinese law. With a broad spectrum of research topics, the Institute provides in-depth analyses of current developments in Chinese law, particularly in the areas of investment law, intellectual property law and general civil and commercial law. Staff and doctoral students at the Institute also specialise in Korean law.
A few years ago, young motivated lawyers interested in Chinese law used to meet regularly. The Chair of East Asian Law under the direction of Prof Dr Yuanshi Bu would like to revive this working group.
The aim is to encourage an exchange between German and Chinese lawyers at regular meetings. The direct contact ensures that more than just an insight into the other cultural and legal system is gained. On the other hand, the exchange with like-minded people who already have more experience helps with their own legal training.
In addition, various personalities will be invited to give lectures. Chinese and German law offer a wealth of topics worthy of discussion. Especially the aspect that the further development of Chinese law, which is currently progressing stringently, is also characterised by European legal concepts, enables a deeper understanding of one’s own law through comparative law.
We invite all interested parties to work with us on German and Chinese law!
For further information, please contact the secretariat at the email address:
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The research project ‘Legal Challenges of Chinese Investments in Germany’ was funded by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation from July 2012 to September 2014. The research results are mainly published in the anthology ‘Chinesische Outbound-Investitionen in Deutschland – Rechtlicher Rahmen, Fälle und Analysen’ (Mohr Siebeck publishing house), which was published in 2014.
Chinese investments in Germany have been an increasingly noticeable phenomenon for around ten years, which can also be attributed to the targeted promotion of such projects by the Chinese government. Legal challenges for these investment projects arise from a variety of directions. Problems arise from both Chinese and German law. The aim of the research project was to systematically work through these problems for the first time and analyse them from a legal perspective. As part of the project, more than 20 interviewees from companies and commercial law firms throughout Germany were asked about the relevant challenges.
Bu, Yuanshi (ed.): Chinese outbound investments in Germany. Supplementary volume. Mohr Siebeck, 2019, 147 pages.
Bu, Yuanshi (ed.): Chinese outbound investments in Germany. Legal framework, cases and analyses. Mohr Siebeck, 2014, 355 pages.
The exchange project ‘German Legal Methodology and its Reception and Implementation in the People’s Republic of China’ was launched in October 2013 by the law faculties of the Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg and Qingshua University in Beijing. It was funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC).
The aim of the project was to analyse the reception of German legal methods in China, which also included discussions in Japan, Korea and Taiwan. Among other things, it provided answers to the questions of how the law is applied by judges in China, Japan and Korea, whether legal methodology plays a role in legal education and research and what role methodological discussions play in East Asian jurisprudence.
Bu, Yuanshi (ed.): Juristische Methodenlehre in China und Ostasien. Mohr Siebeck, 2016, 520 pages.
Articles in anthologies
Dr. Simon Werthwein
Dr. Johannes Allmendinger M.A.
Vanessa van Weelden
Private Rechtsdurchsetzung im chinesischen Kartellrecht, in: ZChinR 3/2010, 209-221.
Dr. Matthias Geyer
Grenzüberschreitende Bürgschaftsverträge nach dem Recht der Volksrepublik China, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der SAFE-Regeln, in: Transportrecht 3/2011, 106-112.
Dr. Yiying Yang
Analyse der Verwaltungsmethode bezüglich der Umwandlung von Forderungen in Anteilsrechte an Gesellschaften, in: ZChinR 2/2012, 114-119.
Dr. Daniel Metzger
Rechtliche Problemfelder bei chinesischen Investitionen in Deutschland – ein Überblick, in: Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft 9/2013, 605-612.
Anne Sophie Ortmanns
The aim of this series is to report on current and fundamental issues of East Asian law from a comparative law perspective.
Publication series
East Asian Law Series/Writings on East Asian Law
Prof Dr Bu is the editor of the ‘East Asian Law Series/Schriften zum ostasiatischen Recht’, published by LIT Verlag.
The economic and political importance of East Asia is steadily increasing with the rise of China. However, there are not only close economic ties between the West and the Far East, but also considerable legal ties. China, Japan and Korea have each modernised their legal systems through extensive reception of Western, especially German law. In-depth analyses of the law in East Asia are therefore beneficial both for the economic activities of foreign companies in the region and for academic discourses based on comparative law as well as dialogues on the rule of law at the state level. With the ‘East Asian Law Series’, the Freiburg Chair of East Asian Business Law endeavours to meet these needs and, above all, to make East Asian law accessible to those readers who often have limited access to relevant literature due to the language barrier. This series includes outstanding dissertations, anthologies and monographs that deal with legal issues relating to East Asian law. The aim of the ‘East Asian Law Series’ is to discuss fundamental, but also highly topical issues of East Asian law in a dogmatically thorough manner and to go far beyond general guides in terms of depth. The series focuses on legal reception, investment law and industrial property law in East Asia.
Previous publications:
Publications on East Asian Private Law
ogether with Moritz Bälz and Knut Benjamin Pißler, Prof Dr Bu is the editor of ‘Schriften zum Ostasiatischen Privatrecht’, published by Mohr Siebeck Verlag.
The series ‘Schriften zum Ostasiatischen Privatrecht (OstAPrivR)’ was founded in 2015. It accompanies a development that has recently become even more important: Comparative private law between Germany and East Asia – represented in particular by China/Taiwan, Japan and South Korea – has become an important and lively field of research and often lays the foundation for successful legal transfers and economic cooperation between the two cultural areas. Making East Asian legal discourse accessible to a German readership can also contribute to this. The series ‘OstAPrivR’ is intended to bring together relevant research on all questions of private law (including its procedural aspects) and make it accessible to a wider readership. The target audience of the series includes primarily comparative law scholars and private law scholars, but also cultural scholars and anyone interested in legal co-operation with East Asia.
Previously published works:
Law in East Asia
Prof Dr Bu is co-editor of the series ‘Law in East Asia’, which is published by Nomos-Verlag.
Previous publications:
Contributions to international commercial and business law
Prof Dr Bu is co-editor of the series ‘Beiträge zum internationalen Handels- und Wirtschaftsrecht’, which is published by Duncker & Humblot.
International commercial and business law is subject to dynamic development and is confronted with numerous challenges in times of geopolitical upheaval, climate change and digitalisation. The series ‘Beiträge zum internationalen Handels- und Wirtschaftsrecht’ is intended to promote and support academic discourse on the topics of international trade, corporate and investment law, including their procedural aspects. Outstanding dissertations and post-doctoral theses as well as conference proceedings are included in the series.
Previous publications:
Enquiries regarding doctoral supervision will only be processed if all documents (cover letter, CV, relevant certificates/degrees etc.) are submitted. Please check in advance whether you fulfil the requirements of the doctoral regulations of the Faculty of Law of the University of Freiburg. For capacity reasons, only those graduates who have achieved at least 8 points in the state part of the first state law examination will be accepted for supervision.
Current doctoral theses
Completed doctoral theses