Seal element of the university of freiburg in the shape of a flower


Teaching and learning goes hand in hand with research. Staff and students at University College Freiburg are engaged in research and teaching endeavors, also beyond the LAS Program.
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Teaching Projects at UCF

UCF is a platform for international and/or interdisciplinary teaching projects. In cooperation with partners at the University of Freiburg and beyond, we offer seminars and projects for students from all different kinds of study programs.

EPICUR – Towards a European University

EPICUR logo medium size.

EPICUR (European Partnership for Innovative Campus Unifying Regions) is a pilot project for the European University of the future. The alliance with nine partners in seven countries focuses on innovative, interdisciplinary, cross-border teaching and learning and on establishing a European campus for students and staff.

Many EPICUR course offerings are based on the LAS didactic approach, i.e., are student-centered and interdisciplinary. Course information is available on the EPICUR website. To apply for courses, please log on to the EPICUR Inter-University Campus using your home University credentials (“myAccount” for University of Freiburg students).

Get in touch with EPICUR staff at UCF!