UCF is a platform for international and/or interdisciplinary teaching projects. In cooperation with partners at the University of Freiburg and beyond, we offer seminars and projects for students from all different kinds of study programs.
EPICUR (European Partnership for Innovative Campus Unifying Regions) is a pilot project for the European University of the future. The alliance with nine partners in seven countries focuses on innovative, interdisciplinary, cross-border teaching and learning and on establishing a European campus for students and staff.
Many EPICUR course offerings are based on the LAS didactic approach, i.e., are student-centered and interdisciplinary. Course information is available on the EPICUR website. To apply for courses, please log on to the EPICUR Inter-University Campus using your home University credentials (“myAccount” for University of Freiburg students).
Since 2019, the WTG teaching program (Wissenschaft – Technologie – Gesellschaft / Science – Technology – Society) has sponsored courses exploring the relationships among science and technology (especially the life sciences, environmental sciences, and information technology) and society.
The program offers students the opportunity to propose, develop, and co-teach courses, as well as support for experienced researchers and instructors to teach courses of their own.
IUSTUF DIMA is a program to support learning and teaching activities at Ukrainian Universities. DIMA is organized by a team of academic staff members and student assistants at UCF in close cooperation with Ivan Franko University Lviv. The program is funded within the DAAD framework “Ukraine digital: Studienerfolg in Krisenzeiten sichern”.
UCF hosts university and broader public lecture series (usually in German). In the past years, we invited experts from the University of Freiburg and beyond to talk about a variety of interdisciplinary topics:
The Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies hosts a semesterly lunch lecture series that offer undergraduate and graduate students a first-hand account of the research projects of current FRIAS fellows and colleagues from across the University. Current and past series are listed on the FRIAS website.
The event and seminar series Academia Meets Industry brings together students, researchers, and industry managers to discuss complex challenges in science, management, politics, and society from different perspectives. The thematic focus is on emerging issues in the life sciences.
Past Academia meets Industry lecture topic included:
The breadth of research conducted by UCF staff and students reflects the interdisciplinarity of the LAS Program. The Professorship in Epistemology and Theory of Science covers systematic and historical perspectives on epistemology and on the sciences and humanities. It focuses on political epistemology, understood as the intertwinement of epistemology and philosophy of science with social and political theory. The Professorship in Science and Technology Studies pursues the empirical study of science and technology, with an emphasis on the actual practices of scientists and engineers as they engage in knowledge-making and the development of technologies. This includes investigating the impact of this knowledge and technology on society.
LAS provides students space and guidance to engage in supervised research projects. And students and graduates (co-)publish first research findings: