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  • Georg von Hevesy

    …more on biochemical, physiological, and medical topics, which he studied with the help of radioactive isotopes.  Von Hevesy received numerous scientific awards and honorary degrees, including an honorary doctorate from the University of Freiburg. He conducted pioneering work in the field of x-ray fluorescence and laid the foundations for the use of…

  • Leitfaden zur Öffnung von Gebäuden und Räumen zur Durchführung von Präsenzlehre

  • Sustainability at the University of Freiburg

    …nstitution. Das wissenschaftliche Interesse der Fakultät richtet sich sowohl auf Prozesse innerhalb von Umweltsystemen als auch auf die Interaktionen zwischen Umwelt, Mensch und Gesellschaft, insbesondere unter Berücksichtigung des globalen Wandels. Grundlegende naturwissenschaftliche Prozesse werden ebenso erfasst wie gesellschaftliche, politische…

  • Rechtliche Hinweise des Innenministeriums und des Finanzministeriums zum Umgang mit dem Coronavirus für Beamtinnen und Beamte sowie Tarifbeschäftigte des Landes

  • Klaus Josef Palme

    …for his work in the area of Plant Physiology. Prof. Dr. Klaus Josef Palme, Institute of Biology II – Cell Biology, received the research prize for his seminal work on the mechanism of action of auxin, a key plant growth factor.  As a central transmitter of signals for elongational growth, auxin plays a key role in the development of higher plants. F…

  • Michael Reth

    …of excellence directed by Reth since 2007. “The Paul Ehrlich Prize recognizes Michael Reth, the director of our Cluster of Excellence BIOSS Centre for Biological Signalling Studies, for his personal scientific achievement. His success resonates throughout the entire university and encourages our junior researchers to tread new paths and pursue a sc…

  • Ulrich Herbert

    …Wilhelm Leibniz Prize for his work in the area of Early Modern and Modern History. Upon completing a degree in history, German studies, and European ethnology, Ulrich initially worked for several years as a secondary school teacher before going on to earn his PhD in Essen in 1985 and his habilitation seven years later. From 1992 to 1995 he served a…

  • Joachim Ullrich

    …his work in the area of Experimental Physics. Joachim Ullrich studied experimental physics at the University of Frankfurt am Main, where he also went on to earn his PhD at the Institute of Nuclear Physics in 1987 and his habilitation in 1994. He was appointed to his current chair at the University of Freiburg in 1997. He spent the intervening years…

  • Epicur Schaubild zum Zeitplan von Epicur-Research

  • Nikolaus Pfanner

    …ork in the area of Molecular Cell Biology. Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Pfanner, Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, received the research prize for his seminal findings concerning the functioning of cells. The inside of cells, the smallest units of an organism that are capable of independent life, are organized into various components. These so-…