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  • Klaus Josef Palme

    …li such as light or gravity that the organs then use to determine the direction of the plant’s growth. In addition, along with other factors auxin helps the cells to communicate with one another, thus coordinating the development of the cells to form the various parts of the plant body. Klaus Palme and his research group succeeded in using mutants o…

  • Rolf Stürner

    …crease in transnational trials. It is thus important to determine what legal system these procedures should be conducted under. The Anglo-American and the continental European legal systems are fundamentally different: German companies, for instance, are not only in danger of being confronted with high claims for damages but also of having to divulg…

  • Georg von Hevesy

    …xperiments with Paneth that used radioactive methods to determine the solubility of sparingly soluble salts. After World War I he worked at Niels Bohr’s institute in Copenhagen, where he and Dirk Costner discovered the element hafnium using x-ray fluorescence.  From 1926 to 1934 von Hevesy served as professor for physical chemistry at the University…

  • Policy on the handling of research data at the University of Freiburg

    …upersede the policy dated 12/19/2018. It will be reviewed every three years at the end of each year to determine if it needs to be updated….

  • Contracts

    …of the Medical Center – University of Freiburg. Please determine whether the planned research project is based on an invention. In this case, please contact the ZFT’s Patent Office before approaching a third party with the idea or invention. Every “disclosure” of an invention made before a patent application has been filed is detrimental to the nov…