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Personnel development administrative, service, and technical personnel

Our identity as managers

  • As managers, we are aware of our special responsibility and role model function.
  • We are self-confident in actively shaping changes and innovations and accompany our employees in doing so.
  • We promote the strengths and potentials of our employees and continuously develop our leadership behavior.

The aim of personnel development at the University of Freiburg is

  • to promote the skills and development potential of managers with measures tailored to their needs.
  • to create stable, structural framework conditions for day-to-day management work. In doing so, it contributes to a cooperative management culture.
  • to prepare junior managers at an early stage for the assumption of management tasks.


Petra Engelbracht
(Management Office PE, Management of the AK PE)
Phone: +49 761 / 203 – 96888

Franziska Jebok
(Assistance Office PE, Coordination)
Phone.: +49 761 / 203 – 96889