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  • Rolf Stürner

    …ase in transnational trials. It is thus important to determine what legal system these procedures should be conducted under. The Anglo-American and the continental European legal systems are fundamentally different: German companies, for instance, are not only in danger of being confronted with high claims for damages but also of having to divulge i…

  • “Forest Ecology Online” Project

    …parison and thus received 17,950€ in prize money from the ministry. The work group took up and consistently implemented the innovative concept of e-learning in the project, which is expected to influence further instructional projects at the Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences. The educational software is designed to help undergraduate stud…

  • Thomas Kenkmann

    …n and teaching methodology, which has been awarded by the Ministry of Science, Research, and the Arts of Baden-Württemberg since 2007. Kenkmann is receiving the 50,000-euro award for the course “Screening Earth – A Student (Re)Search Project,” which he taught for the first time in winter semester 2011/2012 at the University of Freiburg. For his meth…

  • Anna Rosen

    …17 State Teaching Prize. The state of Baden-Württemberg’s Ministry of Education, Research, and Art (MWK) presents the award every two years for outstanding teaching and educating. Rosen has received the 50 thousand euro prize for her seminar “Applying Linguistics in the Foreign Language Classroom,” an elective course that she has been offering since…

  • Julia Gurol und Ingo Henneberg

    …emitteilung des MWK Weitere Informationen im Video “Ringseminare Landeslehrpreis 2019” Kontakt: Ingo Henneberg Seminar für Wissenschaftliche Politik Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg Tel.: +49 (0)761 / 203-67854 E-Mail: Julia Gurol Seminar für Wissenschaftliche Politik Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg Tel….

  • Heinrich Otto Wieland

    …uct class of steroids, which includes cholesterol and vitamin D (A. Windaus), the sex hormones (A. Butenandt), and the synthetic contraceptive substances.  In 1925 Wieland was offered the prestigious Liebig-Baeyer Chair in Munich as the successor to Richard Willstätter and remained there for 27 years. His astoundingly diverse scientific work, docume…

  • Georg von Hevesy

    …ork on x-ray fluorescence, for example as a means of determining the age of minerals, and began studies on the implementation of radioactive indicators in biochemistry and physiology. Being of Jewish descent, he left Germany in 1934 as a result of the political developments following the Nazis’ seizure of power.  Von Hevesy remained active until 196…

  • Georg Wittig

    …used in large-scale industrial production to produce vitamin A and related compounds for many foods and animal feed. For his discovery of the Wittig reaction, which has great significance for the synthesis of organic compounds as well as for numerous technologies, Wittig received the Otto Hahn Prize in 1967 and the Nobel Prize in 1979 (with H. C. B…

  • Future and Dialog Workshop

    …ghly on an annual basis. The head of administration and administrative department D.1.1 are responsible for the format of the Innovation and Dialog Workship, which also goes by the name “Humboldt Laboratory,” and support the users on planning, organization, and evaluation. Selected Workshops Connecting Creative Minds Teaching mission statement uni’i…

  • University and society

    …e attacked or fears of people are exploited. With this in mind, the Senate at the University of Freiburg makes it unequivocally clear that racism, anti-Semitism, any other form of discrimination and misanthropy as well as all forms of unlawful conduct at the University and towards members of the University will not be tolerated. Furthermore, the Sen…