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  • Platz der alten Synagoge

  • Services for Researchers

    …to search online for current calls for applications and funding opportunities. The professional database currently includes more than 1000 national and international funding programs. The Research Management Department (FOMA) offers scientists of the Faculty of Medicine a contact point for fundamental research issues. In addition to providing advic…

  • Jonas Grethlein

    …on the topic of “Concepts of History in Archaic and Classical Greek Literature” (Geschichtsbildern in der griechischen Literatur der Archaik und Klassik) in an Emmy Noether independent junior research group funded by the DFG. In this project, Grethlein is interested in understanding the collective cultural and historical prerequisites for the Greek…

  • Employees

    …ntitlement to children’s sick pay or compensation payment under the Infection Protection Act under the following conditions. Prerequisites for the granting of children’s sick pay in accordance with § 45 SGB V Children’s sick pay can be granted to tariff workers who are legally or voluntarily insured in a statutory health insurance fund and whose chi…

  • Events

    …ety, language and culture and thus contribute to a deeper understanding of current events. For the latest information on the event series and other dates, please visit the Studium generale Website. April 27, 2022: Under the Mark of (Anti)Imperialism. On Recent Developments in the Post-Soviet Space Lecture: Prof. Dr. Heinrich Kirschbaum (Department o…

  • Transfer

    …iversity, society, and industry in the same measure. This understanding of transfer does not include technological transfer alone. Following the Science Council and its extended transfer concept, we also understand transfer as the “dialogical communication and transfer of scientific findings from all fields of science to society, culture, the econom…

  • Accessibility

    The University of Freiburg makes every effort to ensure that its web pages are accessible to persons with disabilities in accordance with § 10 paragraph 1 of the L-BGG (State Act on Equal Opportunities of Persons with Disabilities). This accessibility statement applies to web pages on the primary domain There are also websi…

  • Coordinated DFG Programs

    …nd Postimperial Orders 11/2020-04/2025, 1. Phase GRK 2606 Understanding protease functions in cellular pathways through discovery and analysis of protease substrates (ProtPath) 01/2021-06/2025, 1. Phase GRK 2717 Dynamics of Controlled Atomic and Molecular Systems (DynCAM) 01/2022-06/2026 1. Phase Research Units (Coordination Freiburg) FOR 2674 Aging…

  • Academies Program

    …split into two subvolumes), thus creating a new basis for understanding Nietzsche’s thinking and poetical writing. „Commentary of Fragments of Greek Comedy“ (KomFrag) This research project is being supervised by the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities and is based at the Department of Greek and Latin Philology of the University of Freiburg…

  • Accessibility

    The University of Freiburg makes every effort to ensure that its web pages are accessible to persons with disabilities in accordance with § 10 paragraph 1 of the L-BGG (State Act on Equal Opportunities of Persons with Disabilities). This accessibility statement applies to web pages on the primary domain There are also websi…