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  • Georges Köhler

    …4, Köhler worked at the Basel Institute for Immunology, founded by Niels Kaj Jerne. Together with Jerne and César Milstein – the three received the Nobel Prize jointly in 1984 – Köhler developed a procedure for the production of so-called monoclonal antibodies. Köhler and Milstein conducted the decisive experiment in Cambridge in 1975, fusing white…

  • Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS)

    …ducted at FRIAS for society as a whole. FRIAS was part of the University of Freiburg’s successful Institutional Strategy in the first round of the Excellence Initiative. It has been supported by state and university funds since 2014….

  • University and society

    …council event on the topic “The Far-Right Movement in the Southwest with Examples from Freiburg” could not take place undisturbed. On the same day, one of our University students had his kippa physically ripped from his head in a fitness studio in Freiburg. The Senate at the University of Freiburg comments as follows: The freedom of academia, libera…

  • Permanent Senate Commission on Academic Affairs and Subcommittee of the Permanent Senate Commission on Academic Affairs

    …eine*r die Fächergruppe der Studiengänge Bachelor of Arts und Master of Arts und eine*r die Fächergruppe der Studiengänge Bachelor of Science und Master of Science repräsentiert zwei studentische Mitglieder mit der Maßgabe, dass eine*r die Fächergruppe der Studiengänge Bachelor of Arts und Master of Arts und eine*r die Fächergruppe der Studiengänge…

  • Studies

    …curity during the first 18 months is provided by benefits under the Asylum Seekers’ Benefits Act, for which a residence permit under Section 24 of the Residence Act is a prerequisite. This residence permit is issued by the responsible foreigners authority; those affected can apply at central contact points or at the nearest foreigners authority. As…

  • Dining Hall in the house “Zur Lieben Hand”

    Chef Steffen Eisenmann and his colleagues are looking forward to spoiling their guests in the casino of the “Haus zur Lieben Hand” with fresh seasonal dishes. In addition to the standard menu with light meat and fish dishes, fresh salads and small snacks, a varying daily menu with creative offers provides for variety. The casino in the “Haus zur Li…

  • Startseite

    An inspiring environment Founded in 1457, the University of Freiburg is situated in the heart of the city. As one of the ten best universities in Germany, offering a full spectrum of disciplines at eleven faculties, we have attained many distinctions for our outstanding research and teaching in nationwide competitions. From the humanities and engin

  • Imprint

    …person listed on the page. General Bank Account Details Landesbank Baden-Württemberg / Baden-Württembergische Bank (Headquartered in Stuttgart) LBBW/BW-Bank Stuttgart IBAN-Nr.: DE47 6005 0101 7438 5009 55 BIC/SWIFT: SOLADEST600 Bank Account Details for Student Registrationn Landesbank Baden-Württemberg / Baden-Württembergische Bank (Headquartered i…

  • End of the year message 2023

    …u very much for our joint work on the further development of the University of Freiburg and for your great personal commitment. This year, we have once again taken decisive steps towards the “University of Freiburg 2030”. At the end of May, we submitted seven outlines for Cluster of Excellence initiatives to the German Research Foundation (DFG) and

  • End of the year message 2022

    …ssful year. 2022 was marked by major upheavals and new beginnings: The world around us is in turmoil, especially with the war against Ukraine, the climate crisis, and the ongoing consequences of Corona. At the same time, the University of Freiburg is in a state of upheaval of its own. Starting last year, we set out on the path of renewal in our over…