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  • Accessibility

    of persons with disabilities may be reached as follows: Landes-Behindertenbeauftragte Stephanie Aeffner Else-Josenhans-Straße 6 70173 Stuttgart Germany Telephone: +49 (0)711/279-3360 You can find the contact information of your local representative for the interests of persons with disabilities on the website of the urban or…

  • Contracts

    …ee Inventions Act (Arbeitnehmererfindungsgesetz – ArbEG, Rundschreiben 13, 2002).  Inventions made within the context of a secondary activity that are based largely on experience gained and work performed as a part of your official duties are also employee inventions (Section 4, Paragraph 2, No. 2 of the ArbEG), and the University of Freiburg has a…

  • Pathways to Sustainability

    …f the Future focuses on the protection of environmental foundations of life and the sustainable use of natural resources. The key question for the scientists is what future ecosystems will look like in the context of global change and how to ensure that ecosystem services can be provided and biological diversity preserved through adaptive management…

  • Retreat im Haus Wiesneck, 10. Oktober 2019, Ergebnisprotokoll

    …„Südbaden“) bis zu Großregionen (z.B. „Ostasien“) je nach Forschungsdesign. Induktives Vorgehen als Möglichkeit eines Fokus auf Regionen, wenn die Datenlage auffällige räumliche Cluster ergibt. Anwendungsorientierung/ Nutzen für die zu untersuchenden Regionen vs. akademisches Interesse. Einbezug des Zeitaspekts (historische Forschung) ermöglicht Erk…

  • Junior Research Groups

    …17 BMBF Junior Research Groups Executing InstituteProjectFunding periodFakultät Umwelt und Natürliche Ressourcen – Institut Umweltsozialwissenschaften und Geographie Bioökonomie als gesellschaftlicher Wandel, NWG1: Transformationspfade und -hindernisse zu einer nachhaltigen Kreislaufwirtschaft in der Bioökonomie – Circulus 01.09.2016 31.08.2021 Faku…

  • Policy on the handling of research data at the University of Freiburg

    …professional guidelines, or the requirements of research funders under applicable legal and contractual provisions (e.g., EU requirements regarding the collection of personal data). The minimum retention period for research data and documents is ten years after publication of the data, publication of the relevant work or after project completion. If…

  • Research Centres

    Specialists Between the Disciplines. Interdisciplinary research is at the core of the university’s 21 research centres. They testify to the high standing of excellent research at the University of Freiburg. An outstanding international reputation and intensive international exchange are a matter of course. Africa Centre for Transregional Research (…

  • Yiannos Manoli

    …cyVOLTsim.” Manoli plans to use the 50,000 euros in prize money to expand this platform and extend its functionality. For instance, the program could soon be used at Baden-Württemberg schools in natural sciences and technical subjects. The platform is one of a kind – for example, the program uses 3D animation to illustrate the interaction between po…

  • Friedrich von Hayek

    …strian Institute for Trade Cycle Research, which he had founded together with Ludwig von Mises. After completing his habilitation in 1929, he was appointed as professor at the London School of Economics (1931), where he was seen as the most prominent representative of the Austrian School and opponent of John Maynard Keynes during the 30s and 40s. In…

  • Heiner Schanz

    …heoretical and methodological approaches to environmental governance is exemplary. The teaching concept is based on a well-balanced blend of on-campus instruction and e-learning. Only shortly after its inception in 2006, the degree program received full accreditation and was accepted to the DAAD funding program “Postgraduate Degree Programs on Devel…