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  • Head of Administration

    Christina Leib Phone: +49 761 203-4321 Curriculum vitae Christina Leib Download Divisions / Areas of Responsibility Administrative Department 1 –Organization Administrative Department 2 –Finances Administrative Department 3 –Human Resources Administrative Department 4 –Construction and Infrastructure Administrative Departm…

  • Permanent Senate Commission on Equal Opportunity

    …d von Wahlen sechs Mitglieder aus der Gruppe der Hochschullehrer*innen zwei Mitglieder aus der Gruppe des wissenschaftlichen Dienstes zwei Mitglieder aus der Gruppe der Studierenden zwei Mitglieder aus der Gruppe der Doktorand*innen zwei Mitglieder aus der Gruppe der Mitarbeitenden aus Administration und Technik Mitglieder und Stellvertreter*innen M…

  • Committee on Media Development and Practice

    Historie Einsetzung der Ständigen Senatskommission durch Beschluss des Senats vom 23.03.2011: Der Senat beschließt, anstelle der bisherigen Ausschüsse für IuK und neue Medien und für das Bibliothekswesen einen Ausschuss für Medienentwicklung und – praxis einzurichten. Letzter Senatsbeschluss zu Aufgabenzuschnitt / Zusammensetzung: 23.03.2011 Zusamm…

  • Gifts and endowments

    If you wish to show your solidarity with the University of Freiburg — maybe you even profited from a scholarship or research grant yourself and want to give something back — you can have a direct impact on the university’s future by establishing or contributing to an endowment or by making a donation. Or you can endow an award for outstanding achie…

  • General rules of conduct

    Where can I get tested? – As of February 7, 2023 If you are experiencing symptoms of a coronavirus infection, please stay at home and seek advice by telephone (general practitioners’ surgeries, fever outpatient clinics, nationwide call number of the emergency medical service in Germany 116117). You can find out whether a test is possible and where…

  • Vice Rector for University Culture

    Prof. Dr. Sylvia Paletschek Contact: Phone: +49 761 203-4322 Fax: +49 761 203-8866 Curriculum Vitae Divisions / Areas of Responsibility Concepts for gender and diversity Permanent Senate Commission on Equal Opportunity Funding programs and awards for female researchers Representative for students with a disab…

  • Corona-Newsletter

    uni’news: Corona No. 11/2022, 05/27/2022 Dear employees, dear students, In today’s issue of the Coronavirus Newsletter, we inform you in particular of the lifting of the mask mandate in study operations and at the workplace on 28 May 2022. However, this lifting of the mask mandate is combined with an urgent appeal to continue wearing masks voluntar…

  • Research Structures

    …iburg’s international research center. The research infrastructures were extensively expanded as core facilities. University profile fields and clusters of excellence benefit from new research buildings and resource centers….

  • Startseite

    …sfer is managed by the University of Freiburg’s vice president of academic affairs and includes both continuing education and the Center for Key Qualifications. Continuing education is a core responsibility of the university. Our continuing education unit supports mutual transfer with society as well as industry and uses the positive interactions wi…

  • 19 Minutes at 19 Degrees: Talks on the Energy Crisis

    …23 “Flugscham, Energiekrise, Konsumreduktion: Verzichtshandeln und der Kampf um Privilegien” (Flight shame, energy crisis, reduction of consumption: Renunciation and the struggle for privileges) Prof. Dr. Nina Degele, professor for sociology and empirical gender studies & Prof. Dr. Timo Heimerdinger, professor for cultural anthropology and European…