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  • Senate, Governing Bodies and Committees

    …nt and the Senate in all fundamental questions concerning studies and instruction as well as on the university’s instructional profile, including the establishment of a comprehensive system for quality assurance and quality management for instruction and the awarding of teaching prizes. In particular, the commission is responsible for making recomme…

  • Senat

    …entrusted with fundamental issues of research, teaching, studies, and continuing education. The Senate passes all university statutes, in particular the university constitution, regulations for degree programs, examinations, admissions, and administration, and terms of use. The body rules over the creation and abolition of degree programs and unive…

  • University Medical Center

    …Maps Patient Services Emergency Numbers Clinical Facilities Jobs at the Medical Center [de] Research Studies Vocational Training…

  • Gifts and endowments

    …l Endowment was founded in 2006 by members of the Rhenania student corps. According to its constitution, the corps is committed to seeing to it that its members fulfill the requirements of their studies and supporting them in their intellectual and moral development. For its founders, the endowment is a way to fulfill this commitment by making a per…

  • Press Work and Public Relations

    …careers as well as for making presentations during their studies and publishing their own research findings. uniCROSS has three student editorial teams: uniTV, uniONLINE, and uniFM 88,4. uniTV has access to a professionally equipped TV studio, uniFM has a radio station with a frequency in Freiburg and 24 hours of programming made by students for st…

  • Career & Human Resources Development

    …ity and help shape it as a partner in research, teaching, studies and further education. Job Opportunities Consider making the switch to the University of Freiburg: It is one of the most renowned and strongest research universities in Germany, with a history spanning more than 500 years. You’ll engage in top-notch research and teaching with a unique…

  • Academic Personnel Development

    …mmendations on how to make the supervision of doctoral candidates more rewarding for all parties involved. Additionally, they provide information on the legal framework of doctoral studies. Contact Dr. Melanie Fritscher-Fehr (Head of Equality, Diversity and Academic Personnel Development) Website Phone: +49…

  • The Doctoral Phase

    …er Medizinischen Fakultät [de] Faculty of Law [de] Faculty of Economics and Behavioral Sciences [de] Cluster of Excellence BrainLinks-BrainTools Program Offers Cluster of Excellence BIOSS. Centre for Biological Signalling Studies Bernstein Center Freiburg (BCF) SGBM – Spemann Graduate School of Biology and Medicine Contact Dr. Silke Knaut Freiburg R…

  • Postdoc-Phase

    …ter of Excellence BIOSS. Centre for Biological Signalling Studies Bernstein Center Freiburg (BCF) Cluster of Excellence CIBSS – Centre for Biological Signalling Studies: Postdoc carrer support Contact Dr. Melanie Fritscher-Fehr (Head of Equality, Diversity and Academic Personnel Development) Phone: +49 761 /…

  • The Professorship

    …ptions are offered by the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS). An institution for top-level international research, FRIAS offers a range of individual funding formats (junior fellowships, junior research groups, conferences for junior researchers, project groups), all of which are granted on a competitive basis. The institute invites you…