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  • Uni-Freiburg-Guidance-about-classroom-instruction-requiring-3G-proof

  • Video Podcasts

    …Dr Andreas Rauscher from the Institute for Media Cultural Studies explains, among other things, how Ukrainian President Volodymyr Selenskyj uses them. ba973d33262a196b631030492ef186b2 Andreas Gelz on France’s position August 16, 2022 “The country is indeed experiencing watershed moment,” says Prof. Dr. Andreas Gelz about the new political majority i…

  • Nikolaus Pfanner

    Nikolaus Pfanner(*1956 Simmerberg im Allgäu) received the State Research Prize for his work in the area of Molecular Cell Biology. Professor Pfanner is the first scientist ever to decipher the composition of the power plants of the cell (mitochondria). In addition, he and his team gathered insights on how proteins, which are active in the power pla…

  • Georges Köhler

    1984 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Georges Köhler (*1946 – †1995) received the Nobel Prize for his theory of the specific structure and control of the immune system and the discovery of the principle governing the production of monoclonal antibodies. (with Nils Kaj Jerne and César Milstein) Georges J. (Jean) F. (Franz) Köhler, born in Munic…

  • Freiburg prizes for the promotion of young talents

    …r the promotion of young scientists every year, the prize money of which is provided by generous donors. 2019 a9e74630e8b17ce34ae7fb97885c6150 Photo gallery award ceremony 2019 Brochure Freiburg Young Talent Promotion Prize 2019 2018 252fe04526988e24a7177af1064c0849 Photo gallery award ceremony 2018 Brochure Freiburg Young Talent Promotion Prize 201…

  • Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS)

    The Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) is the University of Freiburg’s international research center. An integral part of the university, the institute unites under its roof the humanities and social sciences, medicine, the natural and life sciences, and engineering. FRIAS offers leading academics (senior fellows) as well as outstandin…

  • Permanent Senate Commission on Academic Affairs and Subcommittee of the Permanent Senate Commission on Academic Affairs

    …ogische Fakultät Vertreter*in aus der Gruppe der Hochschullehrer*innen (Wahl in der Senatskommission für Studium und Lehre am 05.12.2019) Prof. Dr. Tim Krieger Wirtschafts- und Verhaltenswissenschaftliche Fakultät Universitäres Mitglied des Gemeinsamen Studienausschusses der School of Education (Wahl im Senat am 30.01.2019) Tobias Becker Studentisch…

  • Studies

    ….de Ukrainian refugees who have taken up or are taking up studies in Germany can only receive BAföG if they themselves or one of their parents have resided in Germany for several years and have been legally employed. For students who have now fled, financial security during the first 18 months is provided by benefits under the Asylum Seekers’ Benefi…

  • University and society

    Cosmopolitan, open-minded, welcoming: International and intercultural exchange have a decisive impact on research and teaching at the University of Freiburg. The university community is broadened and enriched by people of all nations and creeds. Science and research are unthinkable without this exchange among people from different countries and cul…

  • Accessibility

    …ns with disabilities may be reached as follows: Landes-Behindertenbeauftragte Stephanie Aeffner Else-Josenhans-Straße 6 70173 Stuttgart Germany Telephone: +49 (0)711/279-3360 You can find the contact information of your local representative for the interests of persons with disabilities on the website of the urban or rural di…