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  • Contracts

    …partners: research contracts research partnerships pilot studies support for self-initiated research projects nondisclosure agreements – CDA/ NDA material transfer agreements – MTA Secondary Activities If you wish to take on an activity as a secondary activity rather than as a part of your official duties, please check with your human resources dep…

  • Retreat im Haus Wiesneck, 10. Oktober 2019, Ergebnisprotokoll

    …ejenigen „Container“ suggeriert, die die Comparative Area Studies eigentlich in Frage stellen wollen (aber, ebenso wie die Transregional Studies, doch im Namen haben). Vorschlag, den Begriff als skalierbar zu verstehen, von kleinräumigen Regionen (z.B. „Südbaden“) bis zu Großregionen (z.B. „Ostasien“) je nach Forschungsdesign. Induktives Vorgehen al…

  • Research Centres

    …BrainLinks-BrainTools Center for Anthropology and Gender Studies (ZAG) [de] Center for Business & Law (ZBL) [de] Center for French Studies (FZ) [de] Center for Popular Culture and Music (ZPKM) [de] Center for Renewable Energy (ZEE) Center for Transcultural Asian Studies (CETRAS) Centre for Medicine and Society (ZMG) Centre for Security and Society…

  • Pathways to Sustainability

    …gs, new nanomaterials and polymers as well as fundamental studies at the molecular level. In the Intelligent Technologies research field, scientists are using artificial intelligence (AI) and intelligent sensor technology to devise sustainable technical solutions. They aim to develop sustainable energy systems, for example in the production and use…

  • Junior Research Groups

    The University of Freiburg works like a magnet on the many outstanding early-stage researchers who come to Freiburg to establish their own junior research groups. ERC Starting Grants You find the comlete list at Freiburg Research Services Emmy Noether Junior Research Groups Project titleDisciplineSpokespersonFunding sincePhenology of tropical tree…

  • Policy on the handling of research data at the University of Freiburg

    This is an unofficial translation (PDF) of the document „Policy zum Umgang mit Forschungsdaten an der Universität Freiburg“. For binding referencing, the German document is decisive. Content Preamble Scope Handling research data Responsibilities Responsibilities of the researchers Responsibilities of the University of Freiburg Validity I. Preambel…

  • Faculties, Departments, Resources, and Services

    …urg University Sport Club Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) Research Foci Inter-university scientific institutions School of Education FACE Research and Teaching Center for Music Institutions Rectorate University Council Senate General Student Committee (StuRa Uni Freburg) Staff Represent…

  • Yiannos Manoli

    …cyVOLTsim.” Manoli plans to use the 50,000 euros in prize money to expand this platform and extend its functionality. For instance, the program could soon be used at Baden-Württemberg schools in natural sciences and technical subjects. The platform is one of a kind – for example, the program uses 3D animation to illustrate the interaction between po…

  • Friedrich von Hayek

    …University of Freiburg from 1962 to 1968. Hayek began his studies at the University of Vienna in 1918, where he earned doctorates in Law (1921) and Economics (1923). From 1927 on he served as director of the Austrian Institute for Trade Cycle Research, which he had founded together with Ludwig von Mises. After completing his habilitation in 1929, he…

  • Heiner Schanz

    …oped and supervises the English-taught, interdisciplinary master’s program “Environmental Governance (MEG),” which was launched in winter semester 2005/06. Developed on the basis of labor market analyses, the program features a unique and thus innovative combination of disciplines. The interdisciplinary combination of different theoretical and metho…