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  • Employees

    …Application for telecommuting (written application) Documentation of working hours ( Table 2023)….

  • Information about the new corporate design at the University of Freiburg

    …guidelines of the new corporate design apply as of 1 March 2023. Existing digital templates should be replaced swiftly and successively by the new templates. A transitional period lasting until 1 October 2023 has been granted for this purpose. In the interests of sustainability, this also applies to existing haptic products in the old corporate desi…

  • Jens Timmer

    …Sciences – LifeNet at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, the university’s research institute. He began focusing on systems biology more than ten years ago as one of the first scientists in Germany. This approach pools the expertise of biologists, medical researchers, physicists, and mathematicians to produce a new, more exact understanding…

  • Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus

    …us was born and raised in Berlin, where he also began his studies of medicine and chemistry, attending the lectures of 1902 Nobel laureate Emil Fischer. He then came to Freiburg to complete his doctorate (1899) under Heinrich Kiliani. His dissertation had to do with the cardiac poisons of digitalis plants, which turned out much later to have the str…

  • Personnel development administrative, service, and technical personnel

    …and help to shape it as a partner* in research, teaching, studies and further education. We fulfill our tasks in dialogue with our partners with a high level of commitment, responsibly, creatively and result-oriented. The aim of personnel development at the University of Freiburg is to support all employees in their individual, professional developm…

  • Events

    …ture: Prof. Dr. Heinrich Kirschbaum (Department of Slavic Studies, Literary Studies) 8 p.m. c.t. / HS 1010 in the Collegiate Building I This lecture will be held in German. Lecture as part of the series “World Views: Understanding Culture” (Studium generale) In the early 2020s, tectonic shifts and tremors occurred in the post-Soviet countries. In 20…

  • Nikolaus Pfanner

    Nikolaus Pfanner (*1956 Simmerberg im Allgäu) received the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize for his work in the area of Molecular Cell Biology. In the official statement justifying the selection of Professor Pfanner for the award, the DFG lauds his great contributions to improving our understanding of how proteins are imported into the compartments…

  • Reiner Haag

    Reiner Haag received the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize for his work in the area of Macromolecular Chemistry. The Freiburg chemist Dr. Rainer Haag (33) was awarded the 2002 Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize in recognition for his work on the synthesis and modification of dendritic polymers. Six young German researchers received this great distinction from the…

  • Jörn Leonhard

    Jörn Leonhard (*1967 Birkenfeld) received the State Research Prize for his work in the area of Early Modern and Modern History. Leonhard was awarded the 100,000-euro prize for his extensive monographies Bellizismus und Nation: Kriegsdeutung und Nationsbestimmung in Europa und den Vereinigten Staaten 1750–1914 (“Belicosity and Nation: Interpreting W…

  • Freiburg prizes for the promotion of young talents 2018

    Gruppenfoto Arnold-Bergstraesser-Preis Wolfgang-Gentner-Nachwuchsförderpreis VDI-Förderpreis Robert-Mayr-Nachwuchsförderpreis Eva-Mayr-Stihl-Nachwuchsförderpreis Hansjürg-Steinlin-Preis Friedrich-Rinne-Preis Carl-Theodor-Kromer-Preis Helmut-Lieth-Preis für Umweltforschung Hans-Spemann-Preis Hans-Grisebach-Preis GEFI-Förderpreis Steinhofer-Preis Eug…