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  • Academies Program

    Research Projects at the University of Freiburg „Nietzsche Commentary“ The Nietzsche Commentary research project is being supervised by the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities and is based at the Department of German II (Modern German Literature) of the University of Freiburg. It will examine Nietzsche’s works in their historical context…

  • Accessibility

    The University of Freiburg makes every effort to ensure that its web pages are accessible to persons with disabilities in accordance with § 10 paragraph 1 of the L-BGG (State Act on Equal Opportunities of Persons with Disabilities). This accessibility statement applies to web pages on the primary domain There are also websi…

  • Energy saving at the University of Freiburg

    …ng thermometers to all employees so that they can keep an eye on the room temperature themselves. Every contribution counts! Three working groups, for research, teaching, and business operations, have been set up for the purpose of studying possible measures and scenarios. Representatives from central services, all of the faculties, and the student…

  • Freiburg prizes for the promotion of young talents 2018

    Gruppenfoto Arnold-Bergstraesser-Preis Wolfgang-Gentner-Nachwuchsförderpreis VDI-Förderpreis Robert-Mayr-Nachwuchsförderpreis Eva-Mayr-Stihl-Nachwuchsförderpreis Hansjürg-Steinlin-Preis Friedrich-Rinne-Preis Carl-Theodor-Kromer-Preis Helmut-Lieth-Preis für Umweltforschung Hans-Spemann-Preis Hans-Grisebach-Preis GEFI-Förderpreis Steinhofer-Preis Eug…

  • EPICUR – European Partnership for an Innovative Campus Unifying Regions

    Visit the EPICUR webpage What is EPICUR? EPICUR is one of currently 41 European University Alliances that have received funding from the European Commission as part of the initiative to establish a European Education Area (EEA) by 2025. What partners are involved in EPICUR? EPICUR comprises nine partner institutions from across the European Union….

  • Studies

    Studies at the University of Freiburg Перегляньте ці сторінки українською мовою For the Ukrainian version, click here. Students from Ukraine who are enrolled in Freiburg (degree-seeking and short-term students) can extend their stay even if it should have ended this semester. If you as a Ukrainian student have questions or need support, please cont…

  • Reiner Haag

    Reiner Haag received the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize for his work in the area of Macromolecular Chemistry. The Freiburg chemist Dr. Rainer Haag (33) was awarded the 2002 Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize in recognition for his work on the synthesis and modification of dendritic polymers. Six young German researchers received this great distinction from the…

  • Accessibility

    The University of Freiburg makes every effort to ensure that its web pages are accessible to persons with disabilities in accordance with § 10 paragraph 1 of the L-BGG (State Act on Equal Opportunities of Persons with Disabilities). This accessibility statement applies to web pages on the primary domain There are also websi…

  • Startseite

    …ity. The University of Freiburg therefore strives to provide the best possible support for doctoral and post-doctoral researchers on their career path and to offer them an optimal research and teaching environment. Offers for the Doctoral Phase Offers for Postdocs More on research Living in Freiburg Find out more Society in focus With the transfer o…

  • Imprint

    …iability for Cross-References and Links As a content provider, the University of Freiburg is responsible for original content made available for use in accordance with general laws. It is necessary to distinguish between this original content and cross-references to content provided by others. This foreign content was neither created by the Universi…