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  • Nikolaus Pfanner

    …es. However, his research does not revolve exclusively around the structure of mitochondria but also encompasses the path of the proteins out of the cytosol of the cell, through the mitochondrial membranes, and to their point of destination inside the cellular power plants. In addition, Pfanner has served as president of the Gesellschaft für Biochem…

  • University Medal

    …t of palliative medicine. Through the Dr. Wilhelm Eitel Foundation he founded together with his wife Ina Eitel, he performed exemplary services for teaching and research at the Division of Palliative Medicine of the Freiburg University Medical Center. 19.06.2013  Eleonore Hodeige-Rombach As a token of appreciation and gratitude for her contribution…

  • Georg von Hevesy

    …ysical chemistry. He then worked in Karlsruhe under Haber und in Manchester under Rutherford, where he was introduced to the latest methods and concepts in nuclear physics and nuclear chemistry. In Vienna he conducted experiments with Paneth that used radioactive methods to determine the solubility of sparingly soluble salts. After World War I he wo…

  • Hermann Staudinger

    …6. The latter institution, which Staudinger himself had founded in 1940, was the first research center in Europe to be devoted exclusively to the study of macromolecules in nature and technology as well as the new research field of polymer science. Hermann Staudinger is the father of macromolecular chemistry. As early as 1920, he discovered that nat…

  • University and society

    …ted at the university. In addition, the university has around 750 international employees from more than 90 countries in its academic, administrative, and technical staff. Statement from the Senate at the University of Freiburg on social responsibility at the University The Senate at the University of Freiburg clearly and unmistakably advocates plur…

  • Rector

    … Curriculum vitae Prof. Dr. Jens-​Peter Schneider Ursula Arbely Office + 49 761 203 97730 Address Institut für Medien-​ und Informationsrecht Abt. II: Öffentliches Recht, Europäisches Informations-​ und Infrastrukturrecht Rempartstraße 4 (Breisacher Tor) 79098 Freiburg…

  • Partnerships – International and regional

    …between the locations of the members. Starting in 2021, funds from the EU research funding program “Horizon 2020” will also be available to the association for three years, which will be used to develop a joint research agenda. Under the motto “Shaping European Society in Transition”, EPICUR will thus organize its activities taking into account all…

  • Contact

    …udy opportunities abroad and organizing studies abroad around the world; helping other departments and institutions of the University of Freiburg to coordinate their international activities. Office of European Union Affairs Coordination and Administration of the EU mobility program ERASMUS+ Freiburg Office of Student Servi…

  • Peterhof Cellar

    …o planned several other, even larger new structures. Just under 30 years later, Abbot Philipp Jakob Steyrer took up the project again but in reduced form. In 1766, master builder Johann Jakob Häring modified the facades and the roof to match one another and added a new main entrance, the one still in use today. These renovations had representative i…

  • Travel

    …t must be informed immediately. More information can be found at: How do I cancel business trips? The business travelers must cancel or undo their travel arrangements as soon and as far as possible. As far as there is a claim for reimbursement of costs, e.g. for flight / tr…