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  • Guiding Principles for Learning and Teaching

    What values and principles does the University of Freiburg stand for in relation to learning, teaching, and studies? How can its teaching and learning culture be characterized? Against what standards – also with an eye to the future – does it wish to be measured? In 2018, the university developed a set of guiding principles [de] for learning and te…

  • Outstanding Achievements

    The University of Freiburg produces outstanding achievements in science and research, and many of our researchers have been decorated with the most prestigious awards their discipline has to offer. We would like to introduce you to the most recent laureates on the German page. Contact Administrative office Rebecca Gramm preise@zv.uni-​ P…

  • Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize

    2023 Sabine Richert received the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize for her work in the area of molecular spintronics 2021 Monika Schönauer received the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize for her work in the area of Neurophysiology. 2018 Jennifer Andexer received the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize for her work in the area of Biochemistry. 2018 Benjamin Kohlmann receiv…

  • Ulrich Herbert

    Ulrich Herbert (*1951 Düsseldorf) received the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize for his work in the area of Early Modern and Modern History. Upon completing a degree in history, German studies, and European ethnology, Ulrich initially worked for several years as a secondary school teacher before going on to earn his PhD in Essen in 1985 and his habi…

  • Joachim Ullrich

    Joachim Ullrich (*1956 Edenkoben) received the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize for his work in the area of Experimental Physics. Joachim Ullrich studied experimental physics at the University of Frankfurt am Main, where he also went on to earn his PhD at the Institute of Nuclear Physics in 1987 and his habilitation in 1994. He was appointed to his…

  • Martin Grohe

    Martin Grohe received the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize for his work in the area of Mathematics. Martin Grohe studied mathematics in Freiburg, where he also went on to earn his PhD in 1994. After stints conducting research at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and Stanford University, he returned to Freiburg and completed his habilitation in 19…

  • Pieter Samyn

    Pieter Samyn (*1978) received the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize for his work in the area of Production Engineering. Dr. Pieter Samyn’s research is concentrated on the sustainable use of natural materials. The materials scientist received the prize for his research on the sustainable use of biomaterials from forestry as nanoscale components for functio…

  • Stephan Packard

    …nt of the Institute 2 for Media Cultural Studies, newly founded in 2010, and the bachelor’s program of the same name, as well as in the preparation of the new master’s program in Media Cultural Studies, which is scheduled to enroll students for the first time in 2015. Stephan Packard, born 1978, comes from Munich. He studied general and comparative…

  • Soeren Lienkamp

    Soeren Lienkamp received the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize for his work in the area of Medicine. The nephrologist Soeren Lienkamp deals with the small tubes in the kidney, the tubules, in which urine is produced. If the tubules are disturbed by a cystic disease, molecular processes similar to those in embryonic development may take place. Lienkamp use…

  • Honorary Senators

    The university distinguishes persons who have renders special services to the university by conferring on them the title of honorary senator. The decision is made by the Senate on a proposal by the Rectorate, as described in Section 11, Paragraph 5 of the University Constitution. Here is a list of the current honorary senators (in chronological ord…