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  • University Medal

    ent Services 07.09.1994 Werner Wagner, 1st Police Superintendent In recognition of his many years of involvement in security matters at the University of Freiburg 17.06.1994 Falk Foundation In appreciation of its support of research at the Faculty of Medicine in the areas of gastroenterology and hepatology 19.05.1994 Dr. Karl-Heinz Suermondt In reco…

  • Freiburg prizes for the promotion of young talents 2016

    …für Sport und Sportwissenschaft Karl-Brandt-Preis Friedrich-August-von-Hayek-Preis Friedrich A. Lutz-Preis Eugen-Keidel-Preis Rudolf-Haufe-Nachwuchsförderpreis Werner-von-Simson-Preis Peter-Schlechtriem-Preis Bischof-Hemmerle-Wissenschaftspreis Bernhard-Welte-Preis Arnold-Bergsträsser-Preis Wolfgang-Gentner-Nachwuchsförderpreis VDI-Förderpreis Hansj…

  • Freiburg prizes for the promotion of young talents 2015

    Alle Preisträger*innen Gerhard-Ritter-Preis Ralf Dahrendorf Preis der Badischen Zeitung Hans-und-Susanne-Schneider-Preis Gerhart-Baumann-Preis Hans-Grisebach-Preis GEFI-Förderpreis W.Proctor-Harvey-Preis Kurt-Steim-Preis Forschungspreis der Hennig Zügel Stiftung Edith-von-Kaulla-Forschungspreis Albrecht-Fleckenstein-Nachwuchsförderpreis Ralf-Bodo-S…

  • The University in the Rankings

    …well as according to three categories: “Social Impact”, “Environmental Impact” and “Governance”. The University of Freiburg scored particularly highly for ‘Environmental Impact’, taking first place in Germany in this category, and 55th place internationally. It received exceptionally high ratings in ‘Environmental Education’ and ‘Environmental Rese…

  • Heinrich Otto Wieland

    …alism. He employed Jews and supporters of the White Rose resistance movement in his laboratory and even defended them in court….

  • Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus

    …ng, Windaus was convinced that there is a connection between the concentration of cholesterol in the blood and atherosclerosis. In his later work, he played a role in the discovery of the hormone histamine, described the structure of the plant cell component ergosterol, and explained the structure and function of vitamin D, also a steroid. In cooper…

  • Hans Spemann

    …faded somewhat due to the biochemical orientation of those years, but the rise of molecular biology has led to an unprecedented renaissance in the reception of his work since the mid 1970s. …

  • Hans Adolf Krebs

    …Sheffield and Oxford. In 1939 Krebs became a British citizen. In 1958 Krebs was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II and received the title Sir. Krebs was one of the few German-Jewish scholars who were able to continue their careers without interruption after banishment from Nazi Germany. Together with Fritz Albert Lippmann, he received the Nobel Prize in…

  • Friedrich von Hayek

    …fluctuations and his penetrating analyses of the interdependence of economic, social, and institutional phenomena. (with Gunnar Myrdal) Friedrich August von Hayek, born in Vienna in 1899, was professor for economics at the University of Freiburg from 1962 to 1968. Hayek began his studies at the University of Vienna in 1918, where he earned doctorat…

  • Harald zur Hausen

    …ancer. Harald zur Hausen was born on 11 March 1936 in Gelsenkirchen-Buer. After completing his secondary school education (1955) he studied Medicine at the universities of Bonn, Hamburg, and Düsseldorf. In 1960 zur Hausen earned his doctoral degree in Medicine in Düsseldorf. He then worked for five more years in Düsseldorf before accepting a positio…