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3rd Summer School on Sustainable Pharmacy

3rd Summer School on Sustainable Pharmacy, Health - at what cost? Our aim for this 3rd Summer School on Sustainable Pharmacy is to bring together young scientists from different disciplines who are already working on aspects of sustainability in the context of health and health sciences or who are interested in doing so in their future research or teaching activities. We want to provide a community platform for future (research) projects by promoting a common understanding of sustainable development and its potentials and threats in the context of pharmacy and health in general. Special attention will be given to the various costs of health. For more information about the event and program please have a look at our Website (https://uni-freiburg.link/suspha).

3rd Summer School on Sustainable Pharmacy, Health - at what cost?

Some of the major challenges for our societies today are pharmaceutical issues such as multi-resistant bacteria in antibiotic production, pharmaceutical residues in the environment that affect entire ecosystems, and vaccine campaigns etc. In contrast to sustainable chemistry, a concept of sustainability in the field of pharmacy has not yet been established. Nevertheless, small steps towards a more sustainable pharmacy are being taken in various places. At the University of Freiburg, our goal is to promote the development of Sustainable Pharmacy on an (inter)national, interdisciplinary, and interprofessional level. Sustainable Pharmacy, as we understand it, is a framework for the integration of sustainable development into the pharmaceutical and health sciences. It focuses on the interconnectedness of the development, treatment, and perception of disease with its underlying causes, which are embedded in the social systems in which people live. Systems thinking helps to identify leverage points for action with the goal of increasing the possibility of health and well-being for present and future generations through effective prevention, medical and non-medical treatment of disease.

Our aim for this 3rd Summer School on Sustainable Pharmacy is to bring together young scientists from different disciplines who are already working on aspects of sustainability in the context of health and health sciences or who are interested in doing so in their future research or teaching activities. We want to provide a community platform for future (research) projects by promoting a common understanding of sustainable development and its potentials and threats in the context of pharmacy and health in general. Special attention will be given to the various costs of health.

The application is open to all young scientists (PhD students, PostDocs) from all disciplines (natural sciences, economics, social sciences, humanities, …), working or studying persons, who are interested in going into the topic of sustainable pharmacy.

For more information about the event and program please have a look at our Website (https://uni-freiburg.link/suspha).

Interne Verantwortlichkeit:
Institut für Pharmazeutische Wissenschaften, Professur für Pharmazeutische und Medizinische Chemie

Karina Witte